
Great content from your fellow members and instructors
Thanks to all the wonderful agents who spent hours reviewing the submissions. We could not hold these events without you, and we very much appreciate your time and efforts! Thank you for supporting the SavvyAuthors community! This Spring Pitchfest, we had over 4,000 submissions to Agents and Editors. Thanks also to all of you who pitched! If your story did not find a home in this Pitchfest, we are certain it will with your dedication and perseverance! And do not forget that we are a short 6 months away from Autumn Pitchfest and registration for this free event is OPEN! ~RJ Garside, Leslie Dow, Dawn McClure, and Walker Dow and all the volunteers at SavvyAuthors! Agent Requests All requests have been submitted. Updated March 31 @...
Thank you to all the wonderful agents and authors who participated! We could not do this without you! Don't miss the 2024 Spring Pitchfest! Good luck to everyone and please let us know if you connect with an agent who loves your work! ~The Savvy Crew Cindy Bullard at Birch Literary: Please follow all of these instructions: A new email to me at cindy at birchliterary dot com Subject of email: 2023 Autumn Pitchfest Request Body of the email should be a formal query. For PBs, please attach the full ms. as a word document attachment. For all others, please attach the first three chapters of the finished manuscript. All requests must be received by 12/15/23. Requested Projects: HOMETOWN COWARD by Christine Guidry Law BUMBLE BEE...
Thank you to all the wonderful editors, publishers, and authors who participated! We could not do this without you! Don't miss the 2024 Spring Pitchfest! Good luck to everyone and please let us know if you sell a book and when it will be or is published! ~The Savvy Crew Please note that we are still waiting on requests from Bella Books. We will update once we’ve received their request. Jess Verdi at Alcove Press & Crooked Lane Please send synopsis and first three chapters to jess.verdi at alcovepress dot com CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE by Karna Bodman SWEETHEARTS OF THE OVERTHROW by Sheryl Stein THE MARS DEFECT by Anima Sahu Tamara Grasty at Page Street Publishing Please send full synopsis and full manuscript, each in a word...
Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2022 Autumn Pitchfest and in particular thanks to the Editors and Publishers who reviewed the nearly 1,000 pitches! Wow! Read on for the list of requests received so far. We are waiting for updates and this post will be updated when we get that. Thanks for participating and don't forget to register for the 2023 Sweetheart Pitchfest! Totally Entwined Group The authors can send their full manuscript to [email protected] along with either their original pitch or a synopsis, and if they include Savvy Authors Pitch in the subject line that would be useful. Totally Bound Deck the Mall – Evie Bennet Fast Frequencies – DM Shepard Grinding Gears – DM Shepard...
Thank you to everyone who participated in Pitchfest and a special thanks to our Agents and Editors! Here are the results from the editors. Thanks for participating and don't forget to sign up for Autumn Pitchfest! Nikki Babri from Tule Publishing Please check out Tule Publishing’s submissions page (Submissions) for information on how to submit, what to include, etc. Please include SAVVYAUTHORS PITCHFEST in the subject line Tule would like to request these pitches to be submitted: Holding Out for a Hero by Judy Malcolm Christmas by Starlight by Amy Craig Lies Unknown by Annemarie DeClark Back to You by Dawn Chartier Olympic Enemies by Rebecca J Caffery Saachi on Purpose by Lena Shaw City Slicker by Bev Irwin Yelena Casale from...
Thank you to everyone who participated in Pitchfest and a special thanks to our Agents and Editors! Here are the results from most of the agents. We are waiting for feedback from the Albert Whitman agents and will update this post as soon as we get that! Thanks for participating and don't forget to sign up for Autumn Pitchfest! Jacqueline Lipton, Raven Quill Literary Agency Please send a query letter and a 20-30 page sample of the piece (break your submission wherever a chapter break naturally occurs) to Jacqui via Query Manager (Query Submission) and include “Savvy Authors Sweetheart Pitchfest 2022” in the “referred by” field. KATIE KNIGHTLY (The Summer of Risks & Project Emma; send in two separate query forms) KIM VAZQUEZ...
Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2021 Autumn Pitchfest and in particular thanks to the Editors and Publishers who reviewed the 513 stories and books pitched! Wow! Read on for the list of requests received so far. We are waiting for updates from one Editor and this post will be updated when we get that. Thanks for participating and don't forget to register for the 2022 Sweetheart Pitchfest! Cassiel Knight – Champagne Book Group Please review send your material via our online submission form: Query Submission. We look forward to receiving and reviewing your work! FULL MANUSCRIPTS: Princess of Sweetwater by Tess DeGroot Blood Promotion by M.J. Rose The Prince Charming School of Romance by Kim Findlay PARTIAL MANUSCRIPTS...
Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2021 Autumn Pitchfest and in particular thanks to the Agents who reviewed the 1527 stories and books pitched! Wow! Read on for the full list of requests received. Thanks for participating and don't forget to register for the 2022 Sweetheart Pitchfest! Dawn Dowdle – Blue Ridge Agency Please follow the instructions at and put "SavvyAuthors Pitchfest" for who referred you. Desire in Dairyland by Michelle Caffrey Pirates under the Bed I Don’t Want a Haircut! By Lea Schizas Go to Bed Stinkbug! By Stephanie Maksymiw The Secret of Eucalyptus Cove by Scott Rhoades Falling for Buffalo Ridge by Addey Vaters Poka Paka’s Winter Surprise by Stephanie Cotela Weirdwolf by Searra...