Isadora H. Petrovsky is a speculative fiction author, who aims to draw forth the inherent queerness of the SFF, fairytale, historical, and gothic horror genres. She is currently attending the MFA Writing program at UC San Diego. Recently she worked as the Program Assistant for the Clarion Writers Workshop and paneled at BayCon 2023. When not writing, she can be found teaching it, reading, playing Dungeons and Dragons, and snuggling with her cat Basil. Isadora was awarded the Ron L. Hubbard Writers of the Future Honorable Mention for her short fiction “Red”, published in Gingerbread House Lit Mag. A reprint of her queer gothic fiction “I AM STRUCK DEAD AT THE CLASP OF HER HAND” can be found in KALEIDOSCOPED’s Winter 2023 issue Ghosts & Gossip. To keep up with Isadora’s work follow her @izzypetrovsky on Instagram or visit her website
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