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Do You Plan to Publish: traditionally? Self? or Combo?

Do you plan to publish

  • Traditionally with Big Publishers

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Traditionally with Indie-smaller publishers (not self)

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Self-publish (hiring editor, copy editor, cover designer)

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Self-publish (doing editing by exchanging favors or by self; self design etc)

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Publish some traditionally but offer some by self-publishing

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters


Visionary Author
Dec 31, 2014
So Cal Mountains
I'm curious:

Do you plan to publish traditionally with a Big 5/6 company or Indie Publisher?

or Self-Publish?

or do some combination?
I published my first two novels independently, and I've published all of my nonfiction through major publishers. I second what @MisLadyRae said about looking at publishing options as a purely business decision. You need to look at what a major publisher offers you in terms of advance, royalties, distribution, etc. compared to what you realistically expect to do on your own. One of the biggest hurdles I faced was finding that critical mass of readers as an Indie.
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I decided to self-publish b/c I got sick of querying. I got a lot of positive rejections, i.e. "Your writing is excellent! Love the characters/story/voice/etc. But it would be difficult to sell to a publisher at this time...."
Finally I decided, "Life is too short," and I went the indie route.
It was an experiment at first, just to see how it would work.
Well, it worked out well. I earned more in 6 months than the standard (admittedly, low) advance for books in my genre. And, unlike traditional publishing, my book stays on the virtual shelves.
I love not wasting time on query letters, on waiting for agents to reply. Even if a publisher buys your book, you usually have to wait over a year for it to actually get published.

Yes, I have to do my own marketing and promos, but nowadays authors have to do that themselves anyway.
I love being able to design my own covers, to change the covers if I want to freshen things up, to experiment with price points and sales.

Also I love the 70% royalty rate :-D Although actually I earn most of my money from the Kindle Unlimited borrows.

Everyone has to decide their own path. There was a time when I yearned to be traditionally published. Nowadays, I'm just thrilled that I'm not restricted to trad publishing and can indie publish. ;-D

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I'm curious:

Do you plan to publish traditionally with a Big 5/6 company or Indie Publisher?

or Self-Publish?

or do some combination?
I'm a combo person in that I have small press publishers and I self publish. I have self published some works for several years now. I see the way the wind blows. I have no interest in traditional publishing with big houses at this time, but I never say never. I'm a flexible person and if an opportunity comes up that I feel is beneficial I will go that direction. What I love about self publishing is having more control. I hire editors, cover artists because I definitely cannot do those things myself. I format myself using the Vellum program. I also do trades with trusted friends when they have a skill I don't, etc. :)
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I self-published with iUniverse for my first book, which was a tool for my Life Coach business that helps women over 40 to redefine and remember who they really are. I wrote a paranormal romance after that, which needs revamping, so then tried my hand at a straight romance, which I published on amazon. My plan for the YA Urban Fantasy Witch series I am working on now is to find that perfect agent and publish traditionally. I can't wait. Who knows what I will do after that. I like to explore all options.
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