Drop down for Events and classrooms

Hi @lesliedow

This NaNo bootcamp I had a workshop as well. When I was trying to move back and forth between the bootcamp event and the workshop, I found I could not use the drop down list.

In the attachment, you can see the drop down list does not list the special events, only the classrooms, so when I was in the workshop, I could not go quickly (using a drop down list) back to NaNo2016 (although it was possible to go to NaNo2015).

Instead, I had to back out of the workshop, and then drop down the NaNo2016 and then go to team arena and then my team and then the thread I wanted--a lot of extra steps.

Is there a way to have the events and classrooms drop down list have the same drop down as is available in the first drop down list? Special Events, too?



  • Workshop drop down box 2016.JPG
    Workshop drop down box 2016.JPG
    21.1 KB · Views: 106
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Greetings All!

Hello folks! I'm a new member, just joined this morning. Looking forward to meeting other writers and getting involved with groups and the forums here at SavvyAuthors!

I've been writing stories ever since around the age of four (I'm forty, by the way)- Mother has the annoying habit of pulling out some of those carefully saved tales to embarrass me show her pride. Currently I am working on two works, one fiction (LitRPG is the sub-genre), and one non-fiction (a biography of Louis Sockalexis).

I am horrible at introducing myself- I either do not say enough or have people backing away in horror from too much information, so I will leave it at this.
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Bold emphasis on links??

Is it possible to make "linked type" automatically show as bold? If you look at the paragraph below, you can see that the two exact same words: sprints are both linked, but one is light and the other is in bold.

Links don't seem to stand out in a paragraph as a link, until you happen to run the cursor over it and it turns pink. For example, I was looking for the calendar for sprints. But it wasn't as easy to find as when I posted the calendar for sprints in our forum and after linking typed it in bold. In fact, if it is typed in bold before the link, the link will un-bold it, so it becomes pale.

I always go back after and highlight and bold, but it an extra two steps and I wonder if it were possible to make it automatically bold the link.???

I know you are busy, but I thought I would put it on the list of requests. In fact, I'll go to the forum and re-post this.
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Moooooved some stuff around....:)

Hi all!
We are tidying up around SavvyAuthors so that the site will run more efficiently (and faster!). If you have taken a class with us before 2016, you will find your old classrooms still here but moved into a new section of the site. This is just to reduce our server load a bit.

Your older classes and forums for any Events before 2016 are now found here: http://savvyauthors.com/Community/index.php?categories/2015-classes-and-events.1027/

Please let us know if you have any difficulty finding things!

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