• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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Hello! New Fantasy Author Here


I received an email from RJ Garside saying I should introduce myself. So, here I am, introducing myself.

I am new to the world of writing (nine years ago when I decided I wanted to write a book). My debut novel, Season of Sacrifice, the beginning to an epic fantasy series, is set to release less than a week from now, 3/20/21. I'm terrified, excited, and exhausted. I'm guessing this is normal right before a book release, but if not, please someone set me straight.

I learned about and joined Savvy Authors because my editor has a class I'm hoping to learn a thing or two from. And I'm hoping being here opens many more doors.

Jonathan Michael
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RJ Garside
RJ Garside
Hi, @Jonathan Michael,

Welcome to SavvyAuthors! Congratulations on your almost release! That is SO exciting! I'm pretty sure it's normal to be terrified, excited, and exhausted.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything!

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Introduction sort of

I'm new. I haven't completed my profile. YET. I've writing for years, but mostly for work or personal annoyance. I've written about paranormal and urban fantasy. Now I've signed up for the Cozy writing class. Clearly I have not settled on a genre. It's like my language skills. I've attempted five foreign languages, including English and have yet to master any of them.

So. Hello. I'm just so glad to be here.
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RJ Garside
RJ Garside
Hi, @meldridge15!

Welcome to SavvyAuthors. I apologize for the delay in my reply. I must have missed the notification of your post. I wouldn't worry about settling on a genre. Write what you love. :)

We are thrilled to have you join us. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

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Don't mind me...just a fantasy author sidlin' on in here...


My name's Darek. I've been here since the October Pitchfest and figured it was time I introduced myself. I'm currently working on my manuscripts in the Science Fantasy genre; I found my perfect novel series to right and now just looking for my shot. When not imagining all the things that probably exist somewhere in the universe, I'm an English Instructor at a University, and I often contemplate the wild ride that's been my life thus far.

Feel free to ask why there's two of me in my photo (no, it's not a twin! XD).
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New Here! YA Adventure & A Fantasy Writer

I'm the founder of the Frolicking Raptors Writers Club, and joined SavvyAuthors to participate in the Sweetheart Pitchfest! I created a club where we can exchange submission materials with critique partners in order to get feedback, to give ourselves the best possible opportunities to streamline the process of finding the right agent to champion your book. I was inspired after the most recent PitchWars on Twitter.
I've got a complete A Fantasy novel I'm querying, and my current WIP is a tense YA Adventure, based off of true events.

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Newb (as they say in gamer talk) -- mom with kids ... not a gamer

Hello All!
I am very active on Instagram (@TheTenaciousFlower) and discovered this page from another author's story post. The Sweetheart Pitchfest was a definite enticement for me to come see what Savvy Authors was all about.

I am an elementary school librarian, with two young kiddos of my own. Writing has always been an interest of mine. A year ago, a seed was planted in my mind to pen a children's picture book. I am now sending my wishes off into the universe in the hopes that a publisher or agent will help me grow my manuscript into a gorgeous flourishing children's book.


~* It Starts with a Wish *~

Emily Poletick Job
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New here!

Hi, Wow, this is a valuable site. So glad I found it. I'll be sure to share it with my writing groups. One of my groups has a blog I'd like to share, it's seascribes.wordpress.com
Thank you so much for the opportunity to pitch today. I learned a lot just reading other's pitches.
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Sweetheart Pitch is NOW open!


Sweetheart Pitch is NOW open! It will close on Friday February 12th at 11:59 p.m. EST.

Where can I find the pitch page?
The main pitch page can be found by clicking HERE.

You can select editors/publishers or agents/agencies. Please ensure that you review each publishing professionals' Wishlist so that you only pitch books in the genres they are looking for.

How do I post?
After selecting a publishing professional, scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see a textbook. Click on the text box and type or paste your pitch. Remember to hit post. :)

Are there rules to pitching? What should I post?
Yes, there are some rules to follow. Please ensure you check out the RULES before posting.

How do I know if my manuscript has been request?
Some publishing professionals will request directly to the pitch and others will send us a list of their requests and we will release it in our newsletter on Saturday February 20th.

If you need assistance, please email our support team. We will try to reply as soon as we can.

Thanks! Happy pitching!

The SavvyCrew
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Very new, and I'm working on several things.

I'm very new here. I've been writing for the pet industry for almost 50 years (yikes!) but am mostly retired from dog grooming. As long as i can walk, I will continue to train dogs & I've titled several of my own dogs. I self-published an erotic romance last year (Polyandress) & must completed (what I hope is) contemporary fiction with an erotic content---but it may also be an erotic romance, just more serious than the 1st book. I am also working on a book on dog care from a groomer's perspective. I have learned a lot about pitching and querying this year, and I know my writing has improved. I am grateful for this site.
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Sweetheart Pitch Fest only for Romance?

Hello! I'm new here so please excuse what is likely a ridiculous question, but I can't find any confirmation anywhere. Is the Sweetheart Pitch Fest only for romance books? I write contemporary Women's Fiction that has romance elements, but it wouldn't actually fall into the romance genre. Just wondering if I can pitch during this event or if I should sit this one out? Thank you!
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Christine L. Henderson
Christine L. Henderson
No, it's not only for romance. Read the notes for what each of the editors, agents, and publishers have on their "wish list" for new books. You'll find everything from horror to kids picture book stories.
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When I lived in California (I live in France now) I had a group of writing friends who helped in those stuck moments when you can't figure out a story problem. We were all familiar with each other's work so whenever someone hit a wall (not literally, although the temptation was often there) we could call on someone in the group to talk us through it. Sometimes just describing the problem aloud did the trick, but it was really helpful to have different insights. I'd love to do something similar; phone calls might be difficult, but maybe texting back and forth. Any thoughts? Interest?
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Refund Please HELP

Hello Savvy Community,

Does anyone have a phone number that actually works for Savvy Authors so that I can receive an unauthorized refund? I have left voice messages at the company along with emails and have not received a reply. Thanks so much. Jillian
As I replied to you in Facebook and by email, we are a pretty small crew here.

We do not have full-time support 24/7.

We do promise a 24 response, it's in the TOS and the Help. I replied to you this morning as soon as I logged in at 6AM CST. I don't know what an unauthorized refund is. You were subscribed as a Premium Member which has a yearly renewal. You did authorize this. I have refunded your membership, we always do that when asked because people forget that this is an annual renewal.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
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New and Plan to do Sweetheart Pitch.

Hi: I'm Vickie, finished my book, done about 75+ queries so far with expected rejections. Can't wait for pitch days coming up. I've read the rules, worked on my pitch, but not sure what to expect.. Ok, so you open the blog. Then what? Is there a list of the agents? Do you find you genre first? So many questions. The toughest part of the query process is finding the right agent. For me, it's been more difficult than writing the book. Maybe I'm just nervous. Anyone else?
RJ Garside
RJ Garside
Hi, @vickiewrites,

Yes, finding the right agent can be a tough task! I would start by looking through the agents' information and see what they're requesting. You can also check out their agency pages to see what the agency looks like and any other details about the agent.

Happy pitching!

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New Girl in Town....Hey y'all

Hello, I am so happy Kristie Wolf guided me to this website and group of authors. I am new and am looking for like minded writers. I really enjoy writing historical fiction, time travel is a bonus! I have some contemporary romance being polished as well. I also translate Italian Feminist poetry from Italian to English and am working on some medieval translations.

I have a degree in creative writing, live in Tuscany part of the year, breed Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (aDoRe) and am married to an archeologist. I have five sons and two darling grand babies.

Pleased to meet you and hope to get to know a great core of writers.

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Newbie Night Owl

Hi, everyone! My name is Connie, and I hope everyone is doing well. Well, I know my thread title isn't the most creative title but it's pretty accurate, lol. A friend of mine recommended I joint this forum since I'm trying to navigate my way through finishing my work in progress (WIP). As far as my experience goes? For a short time in another life, I was a journalist and content contributor for some media outlets online. Although I met some great people during that time, it led me astray from my larger goal of being a novelist. So, instead of running like a madwoman down the convention center at SDCC every summer, I swapped it for an old municipal building where the only running I do usually involves delivering legal documents to suited up supervisors. It's not glamorous but in these uncertain times the health benefits and steady paychecks are a godsend.

I know I've said enough already, but it is my hope to meet some kindred spirits who can help me become a better writer and vice versa. I appreciate avid readers, and enjoy speculative fiction that range from fantasy to dystopian worlds. I am also looking for potential beta readers when my project is close to completion. A long time ago, I used to beta read in various LiveJournal (LJ) communities, and I think I was better at reviewing others' work than my own sometimes, lol.

Ok, I think sleep deprivation and the sugar high from my last cup of coffee is wearing down. Have a good weekend, and let's chat soon.
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Hi Connie! Welcome to SavvyAuthors! We are a quiet but determined crew of writers! There are lots of romance writers and a pretty good crowd of UF and Spec Fiction.
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I can tell! I was going through the community thread, and looking around the site in general. If I'm to be honest, it is a bit intimidating, so many people here are accomplished or at the very least have a grasp on their work. One of my projects is kind of like if you took the narrative style of Game of Thrones and the movie Pulp Fiction smushed together. I literally printed out the chapters of my draft and have re-arranged them like I was playing a game of Scrabble, lol.

Thank you for the warm welcome, I definitely appreciate it, and I'll look into figuring out about signing up for some courses, etc.
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Hey Connie--Just a friendly hello from the Pacific Northwest. I write historical mystery tales. Sometimes I stay up late and write so I understand about being a night owl writer. There's nothing like the quiet of the house and writing when all are asleep. I remember LiveJournal! I only lurked, but good for you for participating and editing. I hear you re: being a better editor of others' work than your own.
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New to the group

I broke a rule! I used an exclamation point!
I’m a writer of historical romance and WF. My first book is slated for Feb 2021. My cover has a bare chested man. I’ve been reading that sometimes FB will kick the ad back. Is there an appeal process for this?
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RJ Garside
RJ Garside
Hi, @Annette2boyz!

Welcome to SavvyAuthors! Sorry for the delayed reply. I haven't been as active on the site with the holidays.

I use a lot of exclamation points and smiley faces. There are no rules at SavvyAuthors against those two things. :)

Congratulations on the release of your first book. Feel free to share more information. We are here to cheer you on!

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Michele True
Michele True
Hi Annette, what I have found in my research is that there is no appeal process for a bare-chested man promo that is taken down. A thought, by the time you appeal and get to start again, your prime timing for promotion is gone. Could you put together a different campaign that ties into those you use elsewhere that will comply with Facebook/Instagram regulations?
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Greetings, and I hope to make friends here!

Hey there! Looking forward to getting to know you all. I'm a creative writer, and Accounting Major. Getting an internship is really tough, so I'm working on the second draft of my novel in the meantime. With the pandemic I haven't been able to go outside much, so I'm hoping to make some friends virtually.

As for my latest work, it's a fantasy/adventure novel about a girl who's searching for her older sister that she looks up to very much.
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RJ Garside
RJ Garside
Welcome, @Daisonia!

I think with the pandemic we are all looking to make some friends virtually. Your book sounds intriguing! I know January is always an exciting time for writers to kickstart their writing again. :)

Please shout out if you need anything. Happy writing!

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Pitchfest question

Hey everyone! I'm Gabby. Very appreciative of SavvyAuthors to put together Autumn Pitchfest - does anyone know what happens now that the contest is over / when agents & editors will start deciding on pitches? This is my first time participating in a contest here. Have a good Saturday, everyone!
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