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  1. Kris

    Worldbuilding-Setting The Magic of Midpoint with USA Today bestselling author Kris Kennedy

    Midpoint is one of the most important parts of a story arc. It’s a huge ‘push point,’ where all the threads of your story come together to ‘push’ the character and plot towards a rousing Act III. Do you know how to give your story that ‘push’? Do you know how to craft a midpoint that puts...
  2. Deborah Bailey

    Business Blogging for Authors with Deborah Bailey

    Social media did not diminish the importance of blogging, so don’t miss out on using a blog to build your readership and connect with other authors. We'll be covering: Tips for creating a blogging schedule that you'll stick to Deciding what to blog about and how to decide on your audience How...
  3. RhoSchlump

    Business Writing Flash Fiction for Marketplace Submissions with Editor In Chief Rhonda Schlumpberger

    Writing flash fiction is fun and fabulous! What it's not? Easy. Cramming whole character arcs into 1,000 words (and less) is challenging. Writing flash takes time. Patience. Practice. It embodies the art of compression. A yearning for brevity. The need for urgency. This mini-intensive addresses...
  4. terrimain

    Business Fire Your Cover Designer with Terri Main

    As an indie writer, you're responsible for every aspect of publishing your book, including cover design. Outsourcing can be costly and limit creative control. In this workshop, we'll teach you how to take charge of your book cover with simple, free online tools. No graphic design classes needed...
  5. J

    Business Publishing Contracts 101 with Literary Agent and Publishing Attorney Jacqueline Lipton

    This webinar will focus on the role of contracts in publishing law: contracts with agents, contracts with traditional publishers, and contracts with indie publishing platforms like Amazon KDP. It will boil down the key points you will find in these contracts to their essentials and emphasize...
  6. Kate McMurray

    Writing Life Turning Your Idea into a Novel with Kate McMurray

    How does an idea become a real book? It requires some planning! Planning a novel has two major components: planning what you are going to write and when you are going to write it. So in this webinar, we will discuss how to think about story in advance of writing so that even your vague idea can...
  7. Deanna

    Business 50 Shades of Publishing with Deanna R. Adams

    Deanna Adams, author of both fiction and nonfiction works, will guide you through this complicated world with 50 - yes 50! - ways to get your manuscript ready and get your book published! Included will be preparation of manuscript, publishing options available, discovering the differences...