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  1. jhandler

    Craft Worldbuilding with Jane Handler

    Whether your manuscript is Romance, Sci-Fi, Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Steampunk, a mash-up, or something in-between, worldbuilding is a key element to a successful and immersive story. In this four-week course you will go over the various aspects needed to build a solid world, from where and...
  2. Amdenisch

    Genre-Fantasy Grounding Fantasy in Reality with Anna Denisch

    When you talk about fantasy books, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you can just do anything you want. But when you create a fantasy world or fantasy layer for our world, you have to ground your story in reality. Of course, you do get to create that reality. But if you don't...
  3. Amdenisch

    Genre-Fantasy Grounding Fantasy in Reality with Anna Denisch

    When you talk about fantasy books, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you can just do anything you want. But when you create a fantasy world or fantasy layer for our world, you have to ground your story in reality. Of course, you do get to create that reality. But if you don't...
  4. Cynthia Owens

    Worldbuilding-Setting Bring Your Settings to Life with Cynthia Owens

    In Bring Your Setting To Life, we will examine various methods for plunging your reader into your setting and making it real. We will cover: · The Basics—Time, place and mood. · World Buildings—Researching your setting. · Make Your Setting a Character—Give your setting a unique...
  5. JMPaquette

    Worldbuilding-Setting Worldbuilding 101 with Jen Paquette

    As writers, we like to think we know everything about our characters and the world they inhabit. But do we? I certainly don’t always recall those details—and definitely not when I need them most. Cue the dive down an internet rabbit hole for the next hour instead of continuing to write my draft...
  6. ajjohnson

    Worldbuilding-Setting Setting the Stage for Your Mystery with Andrea Johnson

    Whether you’re writing a cozy or a psychological thriller, worldbuilding is essential. After all, if your audience can’t visualize your protagonist’s plight, they’ll lose sight of your plot. Unfortunately, many writers consider clever settings the sole province of fantasy authors—and while it is...
  7. M

    Editing Editing for Authors with Margaret Bates

    You’ve done it! You’ve finished your first draft. Maybe even you’ve gone over your draft a few times and had some beta reader feedback as well. But you’re either not sure it’s ready to send off to an editor, or if you’re if you’ve decided to edit it all on your own, you’re not sure if you’ve...
  8. VampWereZombie

    Genre-Fantasy Build YOUR Authentic World of Magic and Magic System with Award-Winning Author Rebekah Ganiere

    There’s a fine line between what is realistic and what is too much when reading a fantasy or paranormal books. Writers want to build those magical worlds that readers get lost in not roll their eyes at, but how much is too little? How much is too much? Find the balance by joining Rebekah, an...
  9. Amdenisch

    Genre-Fantasy Magical Realism: How to Bring Magic to the Real World with Anna Denisch

    What is magical realism and how does it differ from fantasy? Learn the pros and cons of each in this one-week workshop, and learn how to implement which works best in your story! Lesson One: What makes magical realism magical realism? - Learn the ins and outs of magical realism and how...
  10. jenichappelle

    Craft Your Story’s Fingerprint: Voice with Jeni Chappelle

    The LIVE webinar will be presented on ZOOM. For more information on how to access Zoom for your first Zoom meeting, please check out HERE. One of the vaguest concepts in writing is voice. We know it when we see it, but if you struggle with voice in your writing, how do you fix it? While voice...
  11. A

    Worldbuilding-Setting Worldbuilding for Minimalists: Invoking Depth Through Detail with Alexa Piper

    The LIVE webinar will be presented on ZOOM. For more information on how to access Zoom for your first Zoom meeting, please check out HERE. When we think of worldbuilding, we tend to think of epic fantasy settings that span kingdoms and generations or science fiction stories that describe whole...
  12. pjune-yahoo.com

    Genre-SciFi Writing Toward the End-of-the-World: Dystopian, Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Fiction with June D

    Fascinated with end-of-the-world stories? Or what it might be like to live after the end? Or societies gone wrong? This workshop will help you to explore these types of fiction so you can write stories of your own. Exercises will help you to develop your own ideas and draft a short story or...
  13. Mary DeSantis

    Worldbuilding-Setting World Building for Speculative Fiction with Mary DeSantis

    Setting. It’s where your story takes place. Your characters spend all their time there, and we want readers to leave feeling like they just got back from vacation. Even if you’re writing in the “real” world, this can be tough. If you’re building a world from scratch, making it pop off the page...
  14. Catherine Peace

    Why Worldbuilding is the Secret Ingredient with Catherine Peace

    This course focuses on everything you'll need to build a world from the ground up. Whether you're a newbie or an experienced author looking to brush up on your skills, Why Worldbuilding (is the Secret Ingredient) will navigate you through one of the hardest and most rewarding parts of the...
  15. JimmyMorris

    Genre-Fantasy Supernatural Scoundrels and How to Write Them: Demons, Vampires & Werewolves, Oh, My! w/Jimmy Morris

    From werewolves and vampires to demons and angels, we will talk about what you know, and what you don't, about "things" that go bump in the night. Come sit by the fireside and listen to stories about creatures who have become famous in movies, TV and books - from Dracula to Edward, Frankenstein...
  16. Laura Drake

    Craft Advanced Writing with Laura Drake

    You know the feeling – when you start a book and immediately suspend disbelief to fall into the story world. As authors, we know that this isn’t easy to do. It takes more than a good scene. It takes a maestro of craft to pull it off. If you’re past problems with POV, character development and...
  17. CassandraCarr

    Genre-Romance Writing the Sports Romance with Cassandra Carr

    Sports romance is one the fastest-growing subgenres of the romance market. After all, who doesn't love a man who's strong, skilled (on and off the field) and rich? However, it's also one of the hardest to get right. Details are the most important part of a successful sports romance. In this...