• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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New but not a newbie

My name is Paulette Noble and I don't (or haven't yet) use a pen name. You can find me on Amazon.com under my actual name. Really. I signed up last spring to take a class with Angela Knight (love her work) and became a premium member this summer for more classes.

I'm on the 5th part of a 5-part series that is called A Virtual Reality. I just finished the first draft and my primary reader/editor is having a pass at it right now. It's the longest work yet at just over 105K words. We're aiming for a December release. My and my husband's work (he's also a writer) are published through Kadythe Publishing.

Oh, you can also find me in the sprint room most evenings when I'm working on a draft.

I have a facebook page that I keep semi-updated and a twitter account that is neglected except at book release time.

If you want to exchange writing or publishing experiences, I'm all ears!
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Kendi's 2017 Goals

Polish, compete, and complete multiple first drafts.

It's been many years since I've been afforded the luxury of being able to sit and write til I'm tired of sitting. I'm taking advantage of it now.

Have one completed manuscript that is editing now. First three chapters and synopsis are being submitted in competition and have to be submitted by the 25th of this month. My crit partner is going over the chapters and today I'll write the synopsis.

Have a few more things to complete for that same competition with the August 25th deadline. After that, I have 2 or 3 manuscripts that need to be completed. Will save one for Nano.

I think that is enough to get me started. We won't bring up the elephant in the middle of the room. heh heh heh
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Writing BDSM vs Erotica and HEA

I know there are a few who write or are interested in writing BDSM. I'm currently taking the BDSM class with Sascha, but I wanted to step outside that and get feed back and comments from others.

I spent all day yesterday, or the better part of it, editing the first three chapters of what I've always called erotica, but it's heavily BDSM. Last night and this morning, I read through the remaining 14 chapters and it's a pretty good story. I wrote it so many years ago in a chatroom on AOL, because I was the sunday morning storyteller, and it was a BDSM chatroom. But I don't think I ever went back re-read the whole thing until now. Every Sunday, the room got one chapter.

So what are your thoughts, what are you working on, and what is your take on writing outside the romance box?
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Optimistic newbie learning my way around.

Hi everyone! Not sure what familiar faces I'll come across but if you think you know me, or want to get to know me, contact me (however one does that). Looking forward to learning my way around the site and join some classes. Never too old to learn a thing or two right?

Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
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An Overzealous Newbie

So, I posted about me yesterday under someone else's thread and it was suggested I start my own with a lil about me.

In acuality, I've been writing since I was about 12 or 13, but created stories in my head a lot earlier. (NOT to be confused with my fantasies.) In my teens, my stories were a mix of third and first person, with POV all over the place. But they were all about me, my boyfriend, my best friend and her boyfriend. Hand written, page after page after page. I don't know if my Daddy got a hold of it and read it, or just knew what I was doing and told me to throw that crap away. Some of it went, but not all of it and I continued to write. I took a creative writing class in high school and my teacher told me my writing was trite and I'd never sell anything. If she is still alive, which I doubt, I hope she knows the market share romance holds today.

I've sold some poetry, won some small awards with poetry, placed as a semi finalist in RWA's Golden Heart, and won some small awards with short stories and first chapters. It's not the size of the award so much as it is the validation that someone thinks your work is that good. Though, I have to admit, the critique I had on my first completed manuscript sent to bed with a brandy bottle and tears. I put it away and haven't touched it since. And, now, it will all have to be retyped because it was put on a disk long enough ago that the newer computers can't read it. Perfect time to edit, right?

Writer's are a breed of their own. We write for many reasons, one of which to quiet the voices in our head, demanding their story be told first. I was seeing a psycologist when we live in Italy. The conversation went something like this, actually verbatim:

"Do you hear voices in your head?"
"Of course I do, I'm a writer!"
"I don't mean the make believe ones."
"Neither do I."

He never saw me again.I'm looking forward to being here and learning as much as I can. My genre's currently are historical romance, fantasy, horror/Sy-Fy and Poetry. I also have around 100 erotica short stories and two complete manuscripts. The count is one completed manuscript, three half done manuscripts and a couple of first chapters I'm really excited about. I participate in NANOWRMO (sp) and sometimes JANO.

I look forward to chatting with as many of you as I can.
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Editing and Revising

My goal is to do another edit/revision of last year's NaNo novel in preparation to finish it during 2017 NaNoWriMo. Yup, that's right, I won last year with only about half the novel finished. And, I need to get back in the grove of the story and clean up some stuff in the first half so I'm ready to go in November.

I'm hoping you can all help keep me working on this goal.
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Newly Joined

I joined for the upcoming BDSM for Writers class. But am finding more here than I expected

While I belong to a local critique group, no one reads or writes erotica, so only my short stories are usually reviewed. Would love to find a beta, critique partner or a critique group!

I do have a published short story in an anthology and am preparing a submissions for two others. Have also begun blogging on my new author website.

I have created a goal of release dates for my Erotica and Futuristic Romance. I believe this site and classes will help me reach those goals. (y)
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Cheryl's 2017 Goals

I have just started writing again after many months. (Broke my ankle!) That said, I was sporadic at best, prior to that.

I am now working on a new book, and the plan is for it to be the first in a series. (I've never written a series before, so that could be interesting.)

My goal is 1,000 words per days. Most days I've written around 1,300 to 1,600 so pretty happy with that. I've only had one day where I've not reached my goal, and that was 737 words.

The aim is to write a novella of around 25,000 to 30,000 words every three months maximum.
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Once Upon a New Member

Hello there! My name is Lexie Hancock, I am a university student from Ontario, and I am a newly published author. I write fiction, fantasy, and the like. I joined this page, because I am very familiar with NaNoWriMo and thought this site could present more of a challenge than the standard 50k words that I can easily surpass. Does anyone have any good pointers how to get started and involved?
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Leslie's 2017 Goals

By December 31, 2017 I will have:
  1. submitted 2 manuscripts. Specifically, two category-length contemporary romances.
  2. I will research agents and develop a list of at least three that I would consider submitting to.
  3. Become active in my local RWA chapters by attending at least 1/2 of the meetings for both of the local chapters for the rest of the year. I may choose at that point to continue with both or pick one.
I will update this with progress by adding a comment at the beginning of every month.

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Hello Savvy Authors,

I am a newbie to writing groups, this is my first try. I am looking for editing tools and suggestions to organize roughly nine months of free writing. The first part of my writing journey has been “getting it down on paper”. Now I’m going back to make sense of it all and am looking to see what others have done before I start on this giant task.

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New Member

Greetings fellow SavvyAuthor members. My journey to finishing my first MS has been a long and winding road. I began writing what I thought was book one of a YA trilogy only to find out at the WD Writing Conference in Philadelphia that the age range for the protagonist is very specific. Unfortunately, there was no way I could adjust my character to fit the range w/o impacting the story. My MS was within the desired word count range for YA, but not nearly enough to make it as an adult Sci-Fi / Thriller. So I wrote the entire trilogy as a single novel with three parts and have been exploring the exciting world of querying agents and publishers.

I am currently trying to remain active on Twitter (@david_neuner) and am preparing to begin a new novel while my MS is being considered.
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Where is the forums to chat? Are the courses etc. worth it???

After paying for a premium membership a month ago, I'm a bit frustrated with this site. Is there no place for us members to yack??? Can anyone tell me if the courses and webinars and stuff worth the price??? Is there any place for me to write and share my UNPUBLISHED work just for fun and/or for review? The whole site seems to be solely a "money maker for the webmaster" and doesn't seem to offer any value for the money paid. I'm new, but I don't see any activity here and I'm curious as to what I'm doing wrong or how I get into "the good stuff".

Just sayin' . . . . . .
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Newbie here!

Hello fellow writers! I'm new to the space and am most interested in meeting critique partners. I have a finished manuscript, but only friends have read it (and I think they're too lovely and supportive to give any hard-nosed criticism). I'm most interested in local meetups but can't seem to find any online. Does anyone know if SavvyWriters connects writers in that way?
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How to Format a query with MS pages pasted in an email


When I send out queries, the agent almost always requests they be pasted in the email as well as the first pages or chapter. After working very hard to get the format just so in my MS, when I paste into the email, it comes out all wrong. Indents are gone, and the text is pushed over to the left of the email. I don't feel good about sending it that way. I have a MAC.

Has anyone else had this problem and know what to do about it?

Martha McKiever
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