Surprises, Secrets and Revelations - Adding Memorable Twists to Your Stories with Peter Andrews

Craft Surprises, Secrets and Revelations - Adding Memorable Twists to Your Stories with Peter Andrews

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How do you keep a reader engaged? One tool is using the desire to find out what happens next. That means predictability is the death of stories. Many people will put down a mystery as soon as they figure out whodunit. And “spoilers” that give away turns and plot points in a movie or a TV show can ruin the experience for audiences.

Twists in the story road add interest by shifting power, revealing intent, and taking things in unexpected directions. They may be tiny or they may be huge. Chandler suggested adding someone coming through the door with a gun when things got slow. Dickens exploited secrets, including family relationships. O. Henry made a career with surprise endings. The Sixth Sense reset the reality of the story in the final minutes of the film.

Surprises may come naturally, as when writers surprise readers because they surprise themselves. But they also can be planned, injected, shaped, and highlighted deliberately.

Lesson 1 The uses of surprise, secrets, and revelations
Lesson 2 Raising questions and surprising yourself
Lesson 3 Faking out the reader without being fake
Lesson 4 Mistakes to avoid
Lesson 5 Pacing (expected/unexpected)
Lesson 6 Planting information
Lesson 7 Revolting developments (amplifying impact)
Lesson 8 Delving deeper
Lesson 9 Working for wonder
Peter Andrews
Start date
Sep 20, 2021 at 9:00 AM
End date
Oct 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM
Registration end date
Sep 22, 2021 at 6:00 PM
5.00 star(s) 16 ratings

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