

    Business Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Writers 101 with June Diehl

    Not sure what the hype about Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all about? Or how this might impact you as a writer? What are the ethical and legal issues that writers should understand? What are the ethical uses of AI that might benefit you and make your writing process more productive? This is a...
  2. Deborah Bailey

    Business Creating an Author Podcast with Deb Bailey

    Podcasts can be a way to market your books, connect with other writers and reach your readers. Right now, podcasts are hot and you can start one without spending a lot of money on equipment. We’ll be covering the basics including: Low-cost (or no-cost) ways to start a podcast. Why it can be...
  3. Jacqui Jacoby

    Writing Life The Importance of Networking with Jacqui Jacoby

    What better way to learn the ropes of sitting down with someone who can make your career, then to learn from someone who has sat across from Nora Roberts, Suzanne Brockmann, Clive Culler, Brenda Novak and Debbie MacComber and didn’t break a sweat. Jacqui Jacoby’s experiences at RWA conferences...
  4. Diane Peterson

    Business Making Goodreads Work for You with Diane Peterson

    Goodreads says it is “the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations.” With many millions of members worldwide it just makes sense for authors to go where the readers are. It is well worth the time and effort to create an effective and accurate presence on Goodreads. This class...
  5. terrimain

    Business Turn Words into Cash: Five Side Gigs for Writers with Terri Main

    Someone said, "I don't write for money. But I need money to keep writing." Most of us can understand that notion. On the road to finishing that novel, getting that book contract, or breaking out as an indie author, we still need to put food on the table. In this course you will learn about...
  6. Sunny Irene Roth

    Writing Life Unleashing Your Writing Career: The Power of eBooks for Success with Irene Roth

    In an ever-evolving digital age, the world of writing has undergone a profound transformation. Aspiring authors and established writers alike now have a unique opportunity to propel their writing careers forward and achieve unparalleled success through eBook creation. This transformative...
  7. terrimain

    Writing Life Writing and Teaching Online Courses with Terri Main

    Are you interested in creating and teaching online courses that are effective and engaging? Look no further than this course on Writing and Teaching Online Courses. Led by experienced educator Terri Main, this course covers all the essentials for crafting a successful online course, including...
  8. Amy L Bernstein

    Business Get Your Query Package Together with Amy Bernstein

    Authors seeking a traditional publishing path for their novel or short story collection need to polish several pieces of prose before leaping into the fray. A well-rounded query package includes a query letter, log line, pitch, target audience summary, and a few comp titles. (The synopsis is...
  9. LC Hayden

    Business How to Get Your Books Reviewed with LC Hayden

    A great book that receives little or no reviews will sell poorly. A mediocre book that has lots of reviews will sell. That leads us to the fact that books need to be reviewed. But how do you go about getting reviews? If you want the answer to this, then this is a must workshop for you. Here are...
  10. terrimain

    Business Creating Professional E-Book Covers Using Free Online Tools with Terri Main

    One of the jobs many indie publishers farm out is cover design. Certainly, the most visible marketing tool today is your cover. During the days of physical bookstores all people saw of most books were the spines of the book. But today with online stores, every book is "face front." However, you...
  11. KatieMcCoach

    Business Crafting a Captivating Submission Package with Katie McCoach

    Your book is finished, and you are eager to get your work in front of agents for a chance at representation. You’ve done several rounds of revisions and you feel great about the manuscript, but will an agent? Will a publisher? This may be your one shot. So, how do you make sure you submit your...
  12. terrimain

    Business WooCommerce for Writers with Terri Main

    As your book inventory increases, selling books from your own website can become more difficult. Posting a book cover, a blurb, and a PayPal link is adequate when you have one or two books. But when your inventory grows to ten, fifteen, twenty or more, you need something more powerful. Likewise...
  13. terrimain

    Business Marketing for Writers with Terri Main

    Writers are creatives. We love building stories, writing dialogue, composing essays, poetry, screenplays, short and long fiction. However, most of us dread the idea of marketing. We would prefer to just sit at our computers working on our books, articles, scripts, and stories. REALITY CHECK...
  14. terrimain

    Business Building a Writer's Website: The Next Level with Terri Main

    As important as social media is in today’s world of marketing, a writer’s website is still a valuable asset as a home base for your marketing and for connecting with your fans. Additionally, self-publishers and those who provide writing services such as copywriting, editing, proofreading...
  15. terrimain

    Business Building a Writer's Website - The Basics with Terri Main

    This is not your ordinary course on how to build a website. Wordpress 5.9 was released just a couple of weeks ago. It includes some major updates. It is perhaps the biggest overhaul of the platform since the move to the use of blocks in editing. And, this course is being rewritten to include...
  16. Sunny Irene Roth

    Business Yes, You Can Write for the Travel Industry AND Enjoy a Lucrative Side Income with Irene Roth

    Are you interested in writing for the travel industry? Do you want to visit great places and pass on what you learned to others who are hoping to visit that very place in the near future? Do you want to learn how to write travel articles about places right in your own neighborhood? Do you want...
  17. ineswrites

    Business Building a Newsletter Automation Sequence with Ines Johnson

    Have you chosen your newsletter provider but aren’t receiving many sign ups? Are readers signing up for your newsletter but unsubscribing soon after? Are you getting subscribers but are unsure how to bring them on board? In this course we will discuss strategies and tactics of crafting a...
  18. Sunny Irene Roth

    Business Yes, You Can Write for the Travel Industry AND Enjoy a Lucrative Side Income with Irene Roth

    Are you interested in writing for the travel industry? Do you want to visit great places and pass on what you learned to others who are hoping to visit that very place in the near future? Do you want to learn how to write travel articles about places right in your own neighborhood? Do you want...
  19. P

    Business 10 Out of the Box Ways to Market Your Work in Progress with Patricia Fischer

    Authors have enough on their plates as they create their newest book, but getting the word out about their WIPs, whether they are a debut or published author is crucial to keeping readers and finding new ones. Marketing doesn’t come naturally for many authors. It can be excruciating to know...
  20. terrimain

    Business Web Design with WordPress 5.0 with Terri Main

    If you have used WordPress to build your website or blog, there are changes coming. In a major update, the classic page/post edition has been radically changed. Before upgrading to WordPress 5.0 or if your webserver has automatically updated, you need to know how to design your website using the...