
  1. M

    Pacing-Tension Pancakes are Not Plot with Margaret Bates

    Writing a full novel is a daunting prospect. As a writer, you have to fill between 75,000 – 120,000 or even more words based on genre expectations. But how do you make sure you can avoid that dreaded saggy middle? How do you know that each chapter and scene zings with tension and keeps readers...

    Craft Learn the Secrets of Creating Plot Twists with Steve Shrott

    Learn the secrets of creating plot twists that surprise readers and keep them turning pages. Topics covered include: What is a twist and why are they important? Dissecting twists to see their inner workings. All about turns, reveals, reversals, and red hearings. Creating twists that move your...
  3. CassandraCarr

    Plot-Structure-GMC Keep Your Plot Tight with Cassandra Carr

    Every writer has had trouble keeping their plots moving. We've all heard about the "sagging middle" and other gotchas authors run into, but how do you avoid these pitfalls? In this workshop you'll learn tried and true techniques for making sure your reader remains riveted to your story.
  4. Amdenisch

    Plot-Structure-GMC The Perfect Plot Twist with Anna Denisch

    As R.L. Stein once said, “Every story ever told can be broken down into three parts: the beginning, the middle, and the twist.” But crafting a good plot twist is certainly easier said than done. In this workshop, you’ll come to understand the inner workings of a plot twist, what makes them so...
  5. TereMichaels

    Craft You Can’t Copyright Tropes: But You Can Make Them Your Own with Tere Michaels

    Tropes are both the building blocks of our writing and the magical potion that can take “been there, read that” to “omgincomprehensablewordsofhappy.” How do we take something that’s been done before and make it our own? First, we need to work out why certain tropes attract readers and what...
  6. Jodihenley

    Plot-Structure-GMC Fix Your Story with Conflict with Jodi Henley

    If your story is too short or long, or your character feels like a sore thumb sticking out of what should be "his" story, maybe your conflict needs development. Use the hidden conflicts already embedded in your characters to add more word count, trim your unwieldy monster, or tighten the...
  7. TereMichaels

    Character The Emotional Arc with Tere Michaels

    An emotional arc is the journey that a character’s emotional state of mind undertakes during a scene. A typical emotional arc has a beginning in which the character is feeling a certain way, an end in which their emotional state of mind has undergone a change, and a turning point that triggers...
  8. Jodihenley

    Plot-Structure-GMC Story Structure in Plain English with Jodi Henley

    Wiggly lines, arrows and dips—what “is” story structure, and how is it used? Discover the power of structure and how to use it in your stories with one easy lesson, two simple worksheets, and a week of one on one feedback. · What is story structure and how it works. · Worksheet 1...
  9. Amdenisch

    Plot-Structure-GMC Know as You Go with Anna Denisch

    Being a panster isn’t always easy. But if planning everything ahead of time isn’t your thing, then you’ll need to put methods in place to help you stay organized while you write. While you don’t need to plan your plot and characters out before you get started, you do need to keep track of...
  10. Landra Graf

    Genre-Romance Plot A Romance In Two Weeks with Landra Graf

    Plot a Romance Novel in 2 weeks. Set your book up for success with detailed character outlines that deepen story connection and worldbuilding. You're familiar with some plotting, but still unsure you're taking the right path... learn a structure that's simple to grasp and easy to use for any...
  11. A

    Character Nobody's Perfect! Plotting the Character Journey with Alicia Rasley

    Nobody's perfect, especially our characters! After all, they need room to change. In fact, the imperfect protagonist makes the three-dimensional story possible by making "character change" propel the events. The character moving through the external plot is a story of only two dimensions. The...
  12. Angela Knight

    Pacing-Tension Braiding Conflicts to Build the Perfect Climax with Angela Knight

    The basic building blocks of romance fiction are conflicts: internal, external, and romantic. Strong conflicts drive readers to keep reading in order to discover who wins. No matter how beautiful the writing is, if the conflict isn’t strong enough, the reader will get bored and go read...
  13. JacquelinCangro

    Character Story Development: A Master Plan for Building Your Novel with Jacqueline Cangro

    Over the next ten days, we're going to take a deep dive into developing and shaping your story’s plot based on your protagonist's motives. We will review the essentials of character interiority and explore techniques to help develop your story’s structure. This course will help writers of all...
  14. Amdenisch

    Plot-Structure-GMC From Premise to Plot with Anna Denisch

    A class designed to take the idea and opening scenes of a story and turn it into a full-fledged finished product. Using a method involving character needs and oppositions, writers will learn to churn out a list of ideas, create detailed scenes from those ideas, and figure out the best ending...
  15. KatieMcCoach

    Craft Write a Good Manuscript for F's Sake with Katie McCoach

    After eight years of developmental editing manuscript after manuscript, helping authors grow their stories and reach their potential, book editor Katie McCoach has discovered the 4 key elements that make up a compelling character narrative. Many of us have heard of Deb Dixon’s GMC (Goal...
  16. MelindaCurtis

    Plot-Structure-GMC Hack Your Way to Good Conflict with Melinda Curtis

    Do your characters have nice, worry-free lives? Do you flounder in the middle of your story wondering what happens? Does your head hurt every time you try to add more conflict to your story? If so, join Melinda Curtis for a weeklong course on how to Hack Your Way to Conflict. In this interactive...
  17. Leslie

    Plot and Structure Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell

    Craft an Engaging Plot How does plot influence story structure? What's the difference between plotting for commercial and literary fiction? How do you revise a plot or structure that's gone off course? With "Write Great Fiction: Plot & Structure," you'll discover the answers to these questions...
  18. Peter Andrews

    Plot-Structure-GMC Promise of the Premise with Peter Andrews

    What’s your story about? When people ask this question, they are interested in the concept behind it, the idea that makes it intriguing. They want an answer that raises questions and suggests possibilities. As a writer, you want these things, too. After all, if your story’s a novel, you’ll need...
  19. Lucy V Hay

    Plot-Structure-GMC How Not To Lose The Plot with Lucy V Hay

    The aim of 'How Not To Lose The Plot' is to help demystify plotting and lay out the process in a straightforward, step-by-step way. This course is for writers who hate outlining or find structure/plotting difficult in general, or perhaps are attempting a novel for the first time. Some more...
  20. ineswrites

    Plot-Structure-GMC Plot Gardening with Ines Johnson

    This course introduces writers to a number of master plots from The Hero’s Journey, to The Save the Cat Method, the Romance Beats, and many more. The aim of this course is for writers to “date” plotting methods until they find the one that works best for them. Writers will even be encouraged to...