Plot a Romance Novel in 2 weeks. Set your book up for success with detailed character outlines that deepen story connection and worldbuilding. You're familiar with some plotting, but still unsure you're taking the right path... learn a structure that's simple to grasp and easy to use for any...
"SUPERSTAR is a riveting tale of true love... Set in the dizzying world of rock ‘roll in the 60’s, 70’s, and beyond.."
Revisit the recent past as career and love lock horns in a decade-spanning tale of soulmates torn apart by each's pursuit of a career in the late 20th century.
Do you read romance novels? Do you find a real affinity in the story lines? Do you find that cozy romances provide a wonderful escape for you, even when you life seems a bit in tatters? Do you love Hallmark movies? If you answered any of the above questions in the affirmative, you have come to...
What makes a great romance novel is the inner conflict that the lovers experience. Yet, working out our characters' inner conflict can be intimidating! But, it needn’t be.
In this workshop, we’ll talk about:
What inner conflict is
Why inner conflict is important
How to create inner conflict...
An emotional and thought-provoking novel about friendship, love and day-to-day struggles with mental health.
Jade is just trying to get by. She doesn’t want to talk about it. She doesn’t want a fuss. But one day she meets Nick and everything changes.
A charming adventurer. A pragmatic paleontologist. A hundred-million-year-old treasure buried in the Australian outback. There can be only one winner in this struggle between star-crossed lovers.
Without conflict there is no story. Your characters have to grow and they have to be challenged. They fall in love, break up and make up until the HEA or HFN. How do you keep the tension and conflict as they go through their story arc? What keeps them going and what conflicts do they have to...
Hi Everyone!
I'm wondering how I can use this site (I'm a premium member now!) to learn and meet people. Where should I start? What should I do? WHERE AM I ??? hahaha. I am a romance writer, small press and indie published. I did sign up for some of the SavvyWriterCon events, so I'm looking...
Millions of viewers tune in each night to watch movies on the Hallmark Channel. What if you could break down the elements of one of these love stories, scene by scene, to help you plot your next sweet romance novel? Let veteran television writer, Ines Johnson, teach you the story beats that will...
Fourteen short stories of savvy, capable women suddenly finding themselves in challenging circumstances--vulnerable to the elements and their situation where fear is surpassed by attraction, and they become vulnerable in different ways
Romance/Women's Fiction Brand Rye’s life has come to a halt. She’s lost everything—even her memory. As Brand learns about her life, she begins to realize that she isn’t the person she hopes to be... or is she?
Plot a Romance Novel in 2 weeks. Set your book up for success with detailed character outlines that deepen story connection and worldbuilding. You're familiar with some plotting, but still unsure you're taking the right path... learn a structure that's simple to grasp and easy to use for any...
Romance is the hottest genre in fiction. It has limitless subgenres and a voracious reader base. But adding a love interest isn't enough.
You have to respect the genre, and you must deliver the genre conventions to meet reader expectations.
Discover how to craft a powerful, character-driven...
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