One POV or Numerous POV? How's a writer to decide? with Beth Daniels

One POV or Numerous POV? How's a writer to decide? with Beth Daniels

Great short class. Beth eased my mind greatly about the dreaded Deep POV, which equals a root canal, if I may say a kind way...yeah, right. Okay, Beth was a lot nicer about Deep POV than I'm being, but her reasoning was sound logic. And I shall use her argument against it forevermore. I'm not usually that negative. My mom always said "if you can't say anything nice...blah, blah." I can say this because mom's deceased. Watch Deep POV up and bite me on the butt now. I sure hope there's not a league of Deep POV fans out there lying in wait for me...I could possibly try it. Not. Thanks for siding with me on this, Beth, lol.