• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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Hello! New space fantasy romance writer here :)

Hi everyone! I dabbled in writing fiction a few years ago and just couldn't pin down my genre nor dedicate the time to it because I run my own business (and had a million other excuses LOL). I'm starting fresh and feeling really determined to stick with it and finish my first novel quickly.

Would love to connect with folks here that want to encourage and help hold each other accountable, so any advice on where to start with that would be appreciated. Excited to be here!
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Hi Clover and welcome!
You are in good company! We have lots of writers around here who are in just about all stages of writing and publishing. We try to help in as many ways as we can. All of us here are writers and like you, I am struggling to get back into it! What genre do you write in?
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Newbie Alert!

Hello! I just joined (to be specific, probably only 20 minutes ago) and am excited! I didn't even know SavvyAuthors existed. I randomly found it through a classmate's website! It's amazing how you can randomly find things on the internet...

I love how comprehensive this site is and how there is so much here for writers! I'm looking forward to payday so I can upgrade my account. Only 16 weeks (but who's counting?) until I'm finished with my writing degree, so I'm excited to have time freed up to take writing classes. Anyhow, I am going to start working my way through the site (and finding things to read, woo!) and just wanted to poke my head in here and wave.

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Welcome! We are thrilled you found us! Post here if you get lost or need any help. There is nearly always one of us poking around and checking on things!
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RJ Garside
RJ Garside
Hi Jen!

Welcome to SavvyAuthors! We are thrilled that you've joined us. Congratulations on almost finishing your writing degree. I hope the next 16 weeks go by fast for you. :)

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything. :)

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Tags next to your name in forums

How do you control the tags that show up next to your name when you post in a forum? I just posted in a class I'm in, and I get the "Going Indie" tag next to my "Premium Member" tag. I'm not an indie published author, so not sure where that's coming from. I searched the help and couldn't find anything. Went through every setting I could find in my account, still nothing. I noticed some people have other tags like "Ask me about my book on submission."
Hi KristiAnn
Those tags in the Postbit are from the usergroups you are a member of. We are running a CritPartner Matching Beta Test program right now out of our IndieCafe'. Since you are a premium member you are part of that offering. I can certainly remove you from the IndieCafe' group, which would remove the tag, but that also removes you from the CritPartner Match Beta. Not sure if you are interested in that. I'll have to check on the other tags, some are awarded for points or classes, etc.
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Marketing Plans

Hello! I have read that writers should have a marketing plan as agents/editors may ask for it as part of your pitch package. Two questions: 1) is this true and 2) if so, is this a marketing plan specifically for the book you're pitching, or for yourself as an author?

Thanks in advance!!
In my experience, agents and publishers want to know that a writer has a clue as to what book marketing entails. Just because someone is smart enough to write a book, doesn't mean they know how to market that book and the money agents and publishers make depends in large part on the ability of the author to effectively market the book. Consequently, they want to know up front how the would-be author intends to market the book. The marketing plans is for the book, not the author
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Fiction Writing Workshop for Kids

I just finished a new lecture series called Fiction Writing Workshop for Kids. It has three story ideas in it and each story idea is expanded to show kids how to create a story. It uses color-coded text boxes to focus the kids creativity and collect their ideas.
The regular price is $19.99 but it's on sale now. Use this link to take advantage of the discounted price.
Fiction Writing Workshop For Kids
Hey! You never know when you'll need something like this to keep the kids occupied.

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Back after a many-year break and it feels awesome!

Hello all. I needed a kick in the pants to get writing again, and rejoining this site is the perfect motivation.
I'm going to read a bit on the forums to catch up on news, and all the changes.

I write romantic suspense. My first book was traditionally published by a small publishing house, and I've just got the rights back. I'm going to self pub that book (once I've changed the cover etc) and I know I have a lot to learn about how to do that, especially the tech.

I've got another book finished that I'd love to submit to the critique match, but I can't seem to find a link for where to sign up for that. I've read the FAQ's on the Indie thread, but didn't see a link. Does anyone here know how I should go about this?

Thrilled to be back at SA!
Sandra Clarke
w/a SJ Clarke
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Welcome back, Sandra!
Sounds like you have been doing well. :) Congrats on the book! Sounds like you were able to get your rights back?

I can help you with the Crit Partner match stuff:

Here's the link to the crit matching, where we have information about how it works:
It's actually in the Indie Cafe, but you set your preferences in your profile, way down at the bottom:

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Announcing Crit Partner Matching for all Premium Members!

Every writer hopes to find one. They're gold-plated grammar ninjas. They can spot a plot hole from their desk a half a world away, and they have the common sense to give you the bad news gently. They're hard to find. They must have an understanding of the genre you write in. They should cringe when they sniff passive voice, and rejoice when they've read five pages of your manuscript and forgotten to edit because the book was just SO. DARN. GOOD.

We're launching the IndieCafe's latest new feature: Crit Partner Matching and offering this great service free of change to all Premium Members for SIX MONTHS!

How this works:
  1. This Monday all Premium Members will receive an email with access to the Crit Partner Matching preferences panel to input your preferences. (Not a Premium Member? We can fix that!)
  2. You will answer a few simple questions and indicate that you want to be matched!
  3. On Sunday, or as soon as we get 30 people in the match pool, we'll run our match program with our specially designed match algorithm.


Every two weeks we'll run the match program and match you with a like-minded author!

Check out the full FAQ
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Leslie: Hello! Could you please send me an email with directions on how to sign-up for the matching partner program, please? Don't seem to be able to find clear documentation regarding a step-wise process to do so.

Thanks so much for your help; I'll be watching my inbox with baited eyes!

Best of Regards, Be Well & Safe,

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Hi! Here is the link to fill out the partner matching criteria. Don't forget to hit SAVE at the end...otherwise your answers will not be processed.

Let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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Planning Happy New Year! What are your plans for the next month?

I always figure that January is the most motivated I am going to be to meet my goals for the year. To try to leverage that, I spend a lot of time in January setting up my planner, reworking my calendar, and moving planning postets up and down my walls. What do you guys do to set your new year off right?
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What are you reading this week?

So I finished another book, The Taming of Delaney Fortune - A HQ Special Edition. Now I'm onto Cowboy Seal Homecoming. It starts off with three Navy Seals who are recovering from getting wounded - and they're going to heal while working on a ranch, and one of them falls in love. Can't get much better than that.

What is everyone else reading this week? I noticed a bunch of sci-fi readers...where are my romance readers at? Got any good cowboy romance recommendations?
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What do you guys think of this?

We're planning a Feb pitchfest like we usually do. So often some of the folks who pitch do so without a completed mss. :cry: So I was thinking of a funny way to get the point across that you really have to be done with a book to pitch it. It's just not fair to agents and editors if your book is not done and not fair to you, as well.

So I made this, what do you think?

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Six Figure Author by Chris Fox

Six Figure Author.jpeg

Has anyone read this book? I'm about halfway through, and though I'd already learned several of his points through Facebook Groups, it's a really interesting read. He also has a ton more books out for writers. Write to Market, Ads for Authors...

Any suggestion on which book of his I should devour next?
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Cowboy to the Core by Maisey Yates

If you like cowboy romance, you'll like this book. I absolutely loved Jaime Dodge's character, and she had a fabulous character arc. The hero's character arc was less dramatic, but that was okay because the heroine changed so much. This was a fantastic read. Just wanted to throw this book recommendation out there!
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Facebook algorithm changes reducing organic post reach (anyone surprised? grrr)

I was doing research for the class I am teaching now and I stumbled over some basic research on changes in social media in 2019 and anticipated for 2020.

I follow several social media guys on Twitter, MattNavarra reported (and Social Media Today publised) that in October Facebook is changing how they calculate reach. (and not for the increase) so we should see our reach drop. Nice eh? Nothing like making us buy more ads.


So I looked at Savvy's and yep, we dropped 26% since October!!!
And we had a freaking PITCHFEST, which always boosts our niumbers.
Anyone else see their reach plummet?
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Billing Issues

Hi RJ, I happened to log into my PayPal account and it showed that SavvyAuthors had billed me twice in Oct. for my dues. Once on Oct. 12 and then again on Oct. 19. Not sure if this is in the same year. Can you check this out for me? I didn't know where else to place this question.

Connie Parrott
Oh no! Usually when this happens it's a duplicate account. Any chance you have two userids with us? I'll check on the back end, but if you have an idea let me know!
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omg, you have two upgrades! I am not even sure how that is possible! You need to disable one, I cannot do this for you. If you go into your profile under Upgrades you should see both of them.

If you can, cancel one of them. If you only see one let me know. I will search back and see when this started. We will refund you! This is really odd!
Thanks and apologies!
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Sorry, I am basically spamming you now. I figured out this started some time in 2017 so there are three overpayments for 2017, 2018, and 2019 that I have refunded to you. We now need to be sure to cancel one so this does not happen next year.
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