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    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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New here - signed up for class

Hi all,
I'm new to Savvy Authors. I was actually searching for a place to find a CP and someone on Twitter recommended this site. I'm glad they did. I found a class I want to take that starts later in August (Kill All My Clauses and Passive Voice).

At the moment I'm concentrating on short stories (contemporary, horror and everything in between). I'm looking to hone my craft and tighten my writing.

If anyone is in need of a beta reader or critique partner for shorter pieces, let me know. I am in need of the same.

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OK here is a fun new thing...Premium Members can now create covers for their posts and threads!

See my kitteh above? I added that to this thread by first creating the thread and then choosing "Modify cover Image" from the Cover link above the thread content.
I then uploaded an image and saved it. But it was not positioned correctly so I chose "position cover" and grabbed the image and dragged it down to show the pretty kitteh face.
Questions? :-D
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Intro from Tambra

*Waving from the Houston, Texas area*
**NOTE: You've got to look a while before you spot a good cowboy butt. They're here but not everywhere you look. You know, somebody needs to fix that problem.**

How can a girl not fall in love with a cowboy? In the past, I had a short historical romance that took place in Texas with a delicious cowboy. Then, I had a time-traveling vampire cowboy short story published a few years ago. I don't have any novels published with cowboys yet.

Do I have enough cowboys? Can I stay, Dawn? *grin* LOL

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My first day here...

Well, this is my first day here and looking forward to many more. I have been dabbling in writing historical fiction for several years. I'm wanting to make it more than just a passing hobby and maybe get my stuff in print some how, some way. My latest WIP is set in WWII Britain.

So happy to connect with any and all.

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Hello! Exploring the site and finding lot of valuable writing nuggets. I've been chiseling out a Fantasy novel for a couple of years now. It seems to take a life of its own from time to time :oops:. Looking to interact with other writers and would love to find a group to critique with.
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Lyn is always (or nearly always) the first to say hi. :) .
she's right, this week is busy for us because several of us are at the RWA conference. You should definitely poke around. There are some smaller special interest groups or SIGs and one is for spec fic, that might be interesting for you.

Let us know if you have questions!
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Query letter being critiqued by group of agents

I'm attending the Writers Digest Science Fiction and Fantasy Virtual Conference. There is an opportunity to have a query letter critiqued by a group of agents.

Has anyone participated in this in past years? I'm wondering if I should only provide the general text of my query letter or if I should address one of the agents attending no matter who might actually read and critique my letter. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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Instructions say don't use enter or tab or space bar.

How does one create the title page?

John Doe ....................................................... . Genre
164 Nowhere Drive
Alternate Universe .................................................... About 80,000 words
The Parrallax Continuum

[email protected]


How does one set this up without using the keyboard for spacing?

The preview is messing with my attempts to show how the title page looks
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Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Big Magic.jpg Has anyone read Big Magic - Creative Living Beyond Fear? I'm almost finished and I think it's a great read for people who are held back from finishing their book (or any creative endeavor) because of fear (of reviewers or that the book just isn't good enough, etc). Elizabeth Gilbert wrote Eat, Pray Love, if that title rings a bell. ;) Just thought I would share it here.
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Request: tag past classes you'd be interested in

I'd like a feature of tagging past classes that I'd like to take if they came around again, and if they do, it'd notify me. Possible?
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Hi DiDi
That is a great feature request. It's similar to something I have been noodling over. Being able to link past classes to current classes.

Kind of like you would be able to tag a closed class, then when we create the new session, we do a copy of that and it brings your tag along with it. I hadn't thought about the tag but that is a great enhancement!

thanks! I will put this on the roadmap.
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I would also like something like this. Also, I noticed that I can no longer watch upcoming classes. I wish that feature would come back. That's how I tracked classes I was interested in.
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Come by the SavvyAuthors booth at RWA...we have PRESENTS for you! :-D

I am so thrilled. Dawn and I are going to RWA! We're trying to get RJ to come but she's waffling. BUT even better than us being there is our giveaways!

We have some pretty special things planned for everyone. More as the date gets closer but I am getting proofs of stuff now and its REALLY COOL!!!
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I wish I was going! It would be great to meet both of you. It was way back in 2008 (or close to it) that I met Leslie at Savvy Authors. I taught my workshop here for a couple of years.
I recently met Dawn and she's wonderful too!

Have a wonderful time! I can't wait to see pictures and hear all the wonderful stories from the conference.
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FYI.... #SFFpit is tomorrow on twitter. It's for completed, unpublished manuscripts ready for submission for science fiction and fantasy.
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Pat Hauldren
Pat Hauldren
Had no idea, great!

Tell the agents not to say "I don't read all the tweets, just send them to my email on the website" blah blah.

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Looking for a Great Summer Read

The last three books I bought ended up being DNFd for various reasons. Has anyone read a book lately that kept you turning the pages? If so please share. :) I'm heading to the lake on Thursday afternoon and want to sit back with a really good romance! (My fav genre is contemporary western) and I don't read super hot stuff. ;-) Even so, share the hot stuff for those who might see the recommendation.

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Summary vs Synopsis

So this may be the silliest thread you've ever seen, I would accept that. But someone, help me out here.

I can't seem to nail down the difference between a summary and a synopsis. Google had only gotten me so far, and each website seems to have a different opinion on how to write each.
I ask because I'm going to begin querying soon, and I don't want to send an editor who asked for a synopsis a summary instead.
Main problem for me- which one is the back of a book blurb and which one do you outline the major events of the book, including the ending??

You'd think this was a simple thing...

Anyway, sorry if I started a new thread that already exists somewhere else. I couldn't find anything when I looked in the forum.
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Not so new to Saavy

Hi y'all! I joined last fall, and have taken one fabulous class so far. I am retired and currently residing in San Antonio, TX to be near family. I'm an adventurer with a boat load of experiences to fill my novels with. Currently writing a creative nonfiction (memoir without a memory!) and have a couple of mystery story ideas in the hopper. I look forward to sharing and learning with y'all!
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