Writing the New Adult Romance with Cassandra Carr

Genre-Romance Writing the New Adult Romance with Cassandra Carr

Basic and Premium Members Prices
Premium Members $25 Basic Members $35

Register by September 9th and save $5, use code NEWADULTCARR2024 at checkout!
  1. Characters
  2. Structure
  3. Genre
  4. GMC
  5. Plotting
$5 off Early Registration Coupon-expires 1 week before class starts
Class Length
2 Weeks
New Adult Romance, at its heart, is the bridge between YA (Young Adult) and Adult Romance. If you want to write a manuscript that takes place during this approximate period of time in your characters’ lives, but aren’t sure how to hook readers, this is the workshop for you.
  • Clarification of what new adult romance is and is not, differences between new adult romance, “adult” romance, and YA
  • Things to include to form a satisfying new adult romance
  • Areas to stay away from to form a satisfying new adult romance
  • Promoting your new adult romance properly
This is a brief overview of the topics we'll tackle in this workshop. Some take place before you start, more during the process, and lastly after you complete/release your manuscript.

This workshop is for beginners to seasoned writers.
Class Format
Savvy Authors' workshops are held on a forum: a bulletin board based system. You will receive a reminder notice one day prior to the start of the workshop that includes instructions on how to access the workshop forum. If you have not received instructions by the day the workshop begins, please check your spam filter.

The forum will be available the morning (EST) of the day the workshop starts and will remain accessible to all participants thereafter. You will also be given simple instructions on how to create a PDF of all your discussions along with our privacy and data retention policy.
Start date
Sep 16, 2024 at 9:00 AM
End date
Sep 30, 2024 at 12:50 AM
Registration end date
Sep 19, 2024 at 12:50 AM
4.56 star(s) 9 ratings

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