Bella Bell

Hi, my name is Bella and I am a Twenty-one year old aspiring writer. I'm currently trying to start and finish my first full length novel 'Shadow Children'.
When I'm not writing I love to run, train my dogs and listen to music or procrastinate and read way more fiction then I should. >_<
I live in the south of the USA though I have lived up north for a few years. Super glad to be away from the cold! ^0^
I dislike very few things though the top things would have to be the cold, mint flavored things, ignorant mean people, and holding grudges. ¬_¬
That's pretty much all I can think of, Tata! ^_~

Member statistics

Reaction score
USA, South
Sarrah Bell
Professional Interests
  1. I'm interested in finding a crit partner or group
Genres I write in...
  1. Fantasy (high,dark, light)
  2. Urban Fantasy
  3. Young Adult
  4. New Adult
  5. Thriller/Suspense/Mystery
  6. Time Travel
  7. Science Fiction
  8. Humor
  9. Poetry


Live, Laugh, Love explained...
Live your life the way YOU want to...
Laugh as MUCH as you want as OFTEN as you can...
Love EVERYONE for life is too SHORT without it...


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