Recent content by CandyHavens

  1. C

    Webinar Triage Your NaNo Novel with Candace Havens

    This Webinar starts at 9:00PM EST Nano is over and so is it's time to rock 2017 and spit, polish, and shine that novel that you created during NaNo, view your creation. Your eyes glaze what? Join Editorial Director at Entangled Publishing, Candace Havens, for...
  2. C

    Webinar Create a GREAT critique group with bestselling author and editorial director Candace Havens

    We all know them or know someone in them: those special crit groups where every member receives a contract or hits a list one after the other. What is the secret sauce in these groups that produce winning books and successful authors? Let Candace show you the techniques, guidelines, and tips...