
From 911 Call Taker to Whimsical Weaver: Meet Becca Dupuis

Life in Southern Ontario keeps Becca Dupuis on her toes. By day, she’s a skilled Ambulance Communications Officer, ready to answer the call and be a calming voice on your worst day. But when the sirens fade, Becca sheds her uniform to don the cloak of a wordsmith, weaving whimsical adventures, where imagination runs wild.

She juggles this with being a supermom to three kids and a purrsonal assistant to Max, the quirkiest cat this side of the border. Fueled by late-night inspiration (and maybe a touch of baby-related chaos), Becca spins stories starring fun-loving characters, often with a furry or feathered twist. Her Melvin the Elf made a splash in the 2019 ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story Contest as a finalist, and she’s constantly dreaming up new fantastical journeys.

Becca believes that laughter and adventure are the keys to unlocking a child’s love of reading. So join her on a whirlwind ride through imagination, where anything is possible and even the most ordinary creatures can be extraordinary heroes.

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Southern Ontario, Canada
Becca Dupuis
Genres I write in...
  1. Humor
  2. Non-fiction
  3. Childrens
  4. Middle grade


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