camp nanowrimo

  1. SavvyAuthors Events

    Writing Life 2023 NaNovember Write with SavvyAuthors

    Are you a procrastinator in need of motivation? Hate writing alone? If having Drill Sergeants screaming in your inbox sounds like fun, you are in the right place! Kick off your winter boots and grab your laptop, it’s NaNo Bootcamp time! Your NaNovember Boot Camp 2023 Mission: 50,000 words...
  2. NaNo What Now? Finding your editing process, revising your NaNoWriMo book and building a writing career through publishing and beyond

    NaNo What Now? Finding your editing process, revising your NaNoWriMo book and building a writing career through publishing and beyond

    From tips for finding beta readers, exploration of traditional vs. self-publishing, and strategies to motivate yourself to keep writing regularly post-NaNoWriMo, NaNo What Now? is a quick and easy-to-read unofficial guide to the next steps.