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  1. Deborah Bailey

    Plot-Structure-GMC Use the Heroine’s Journey to Plot Your Novel with Deb Bailey

    Lots of writers have heard of the Hero's Journey, which is based on the work of Joseph Campbell. But there's also a Heroine's Journey, which is based on the story of the Sumerian goddess, Inanna, an epic that describes her descent into the underworld. The heroine’s journey is not so much about...
  2. JMPaquette

    Worldbuilding-Setting Worldbuilding 101 with Jen Paquette

    As writers, we like to think we know everything about our characters and the world they inhabit. But do we? I certainly don’t always recall those details—and definitely not when I need them most. Cue the dive down an internet rabbit hole for the next hour instead of continuing to write my draft...
  3. CassandraCarr

    Character Creating Secondary Characters with Cassandra Carr

    Side characters are an important component in your story. You want them to be interesting, but not take over the story, right? In this workshop, you’ll learn some tips and tricks to creating useful secondary characters. Lesson One: Basics about secondary characters Lesson Two: The Sidekick –...
  4. VampWereZombie

    Character Writing for the Darkside: Villains, Antagonist and Monsters with Rebekah Ganiere

    Have you ever watched a movie and rooted for the villain? Do you read books where you cringe and are yet delighted by the awfulness of the bad guy? Have you ever seen a villain transform before your eyes as you realize their motives are not that far gone from what you yourself believe? These are...
  5. Cynthia Owens

    Character Take Your Characters From Flat to Fabulous with Cynthia Owens

    Take Your Characters From Flat to Fabulous: Creating Characters Your Readers Will Love will examine how to take a character from a flat, formless idea to a living, breathing, three-dimensional person that readers can root for, care about, and fall in love with. We will cover: · The...
  6. Beth Daniels

    Character SHEBA TO AMELIA: Use Women Who Made History as Heroine Inspiration Models with Beth Daniels

    It’s men who wrote history for the most part but when a woman makes it into the history books of the past, it’s because she impressed the heck out of those men. Or, in some cases, made them afraid. Very afraid. The nerve of those gals, right? This all means that there are some ladies who serve...
  7. Beth Daniels

    Character Playing Goddess: Character Creation for FF&P Stories with Beth Daniels

    When it comes to writing Futuristic, Fantasy and Paranormal stories there is far more than merely deciding on height, build, coloring, past experiences, and hopes and dreams when building a character. Oh, sure, you’ve still got all that, but it’s expanded! Seven-foot-tall might make a character...
  8. LC Hayden

    Craft Secrets of the Trade: A Successful Way to Write with LC Hayden

    Would you like to write a book that no one can put down? The writing so crisp that the words jump out of the page? If this is your dream, then this course is for you. Some books are hard to put down. The reader will be absorbed in the plot and with the characters. Award winning author L. C...
  9. pjune-yahoo.com

    Craft Tap into Mind-Mapping to Unlock Your Creativity and Expand Your Stories with June Diehl

    Are your stories sounding kind of similar? Do you find yourself gravitating to the same hunky hero and tough but sweet heroine? We all do it, we find something that works and stick with it. And that can be great, for a while. Nobody wants to read the same plot or the same characters. Naturally...
  10. M

    Character Making Deep POV Work for You with Margaret Bates

    Readers love to be immersed in stories. They want the artifices to fall away and to feel as if they truly are the character as they go through a whirlwind romance, fight aliens in space, or attend a magical academy…etc. One of the key steps to creating immersive writing is to master deep point...
  11. TereMichaels

    Character The Emotional Arc with Tere Michaels

    An emotional arc is the journey that a character’s emotional state of mind undertakes during a scene. A typical emotional arc has a beginning in which the character is feeling a certain way, an end in which their emotional state of mind has undergone a change, and a turning point that triggers...
  12. Kathy Otten

    Pacing-Tension Page Turning Dialogue with Kathy Otten

    One of the most common reasons manuscripts are rejected is because the author has told too much of the story and failed to engage the agent, editor, or reader by showing action. Dialogue is action. It adds tension, conflict, and drama to your story. It’s one of the best ways to engage your...
  13. LC Hayden

    Character Developing Characters with Character with L.C. Hayden

    L.C. will show you how to create characters that live in the readers’ mind long after finishing your novel. The workshop will feature how to, Create vivid minor characters Give and handle your characters’ backstory Strike an emotion between the characters and the readers Build characters your...
  14. TereMichaels

    Character It Takes a Village: Writing Supporting Characters with Tere Michaels

    An exploration of world-building, development of plot and main characters through secondary characters. Introduction At the end of the day, no matter what the genre or trope, whether it’s happening in Alabama or on Mars, we are all trying to create the best possible characters to tell our...
  15. TereMichaels

    Character The Emotional Arc with Tere Michaels

    An emotional arc is the journey that a character’s emotional state of mind undertakes during a scene. A typical emotional arc has a beginning in which the character is feeling a certain way, an end in which their emotional state of mind has undergone a change, and a turning point that triggers...
  16. DiAnn Mills

    Character Exploring the Art of Characterization with DiAnn Mills

    *** Registration is now full. *** If the development of character was easy, every novel would hit the bestseller list. Novelists create stories from a deep need to entertain readers through the eyes of a memorable character. We long to create a character the reader loves or loves to hate. so we...
  17. TereMichaels

    Character The Missing Puzzle Piece: Core Wounds with Tere Michaels

    Core Wounds sit in the heart of every person - both real and fictional. An understanding of these deep-seated, harmful "truths" we believe can lead to the creation of three-dimensional characters and emotionally impactful narratives readers will never forget. This workshop will explore what a...
  18. F.T. Bradley

    Craft Getting the ‘Send It!’—Perfecting Your First Five Pages with Fleur Bradley

    When submitting to agents, you often get to include five sample pages with your query. This workshop will teach you how to get those pages to shine, from character introduction, conflict, voice and formatting—to ensure that agents will want to read more. Instructor will provide feedback on query...
  19. Stephanie.

    Craft A Heartened Deep POV with Stephanie Spann

    Have you ever added the old, “heart skipped a beat,” cliché to your manuscripts? (Raising my hand.) I mean, of course, this and similar phrases are convenient ways to share the emotions behind romantic thrills or devastating defeats that your characters face. But, everyone has a different...
  20. terrimain

    Character Developing Characters from the Inside Out with Terri Main

    A story might be defined as somebody in some location has a goal, but something gets in the way of achieving that goal. Whether the story is a love story or an action-adventure Zombie Apocalypse novel, the character is always at the center of the story. Plot is determined by the choices your...