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Make It Horror with June Diehl

Make It Horror with June Diehl

This class was extremely helpful in getting me to dig deep into my protagonists fears. The links to the horror sites on line is a great bonus, because no matter how many times I have googled or horror, these informative sites June posted didn't come up June is also very kinds with her comments and still very helpful with her critiques of homework. I believe it is important to do the assignments, exercises in any online class. It furthers ones understanding in what is being taught.

I was hoping for a structure for horror writing. Although, most stories are three acts, I was hoping for information with specific horror elements in each act. Geez. I should have asked that question during class.

I had some writing epiphanies as I read the lectures. A couple things clicked that hadn't before.
Great class. Great teacher, So great, I signed
up for her mentoring class.