Deep Point of View with Tambra Nicole Kendall

Plot-Structure-GMC Deep Point of View with Tambra Nicole Kendall

I write romance for adults as Tambra Nicole Kendall. You'll find lots of paranormal with a good dose of suspense tossed in. Sassy, intelligent heroines who are strong women and men who discover how much they need the heroine.

Young Adult and Middle Grade, I'll be writing as Nikki Kendall.

If you adore Tea Time as I do, please check out my cookbook on Amazon, The Scottish-English Texan 56 Teatime Recipes. Texas has been influenced by many from over the pond.

My website has links to my books and the latest information on the online classes I teach. You can sign up for my newsletter there, too. My blog has posts on writing and living the creative life.

Online creative writing instructor