Gut Punch: Using Emotional Conflict as Plot with Tere Michaels

Plot-Structure-GMC Gut Punch: Using Emotional Conflict as Plot with Tere Michaels

Basic and Premium Members Prices
Premium Members $25 & Basic Members $35

Register by May 1st and save $5, use code EMOTIONMICHAELS2023 at checkout!
  1. Characters
  2. Structure
  3. GMC
  4. Plotting
$5 off Early Registration Coupon-expires 1 week before class starts
Class Length
2 Weeks
When we start writing, we have an idea of how our readers will react to our stories. Do we want them to laugh? Cry? Gasp? Compose angry letters in their heads because how dare we? And what is the key to making that happen in the story? We create our characters and their internal journeys with this in mind, then we place them in a plot that we hope will get the point across. (And get everyone - them and the readers - to the satisfying end of the book.)

Your plot is the vehicle your characters use to experience and move through their Arcs. The plot is about how they learn and grow (fall then rise) or lose their way (rise then fall). Even if your book is about People Feeling Things, there has to be some plot that ignites the change they go through.

This workshop will discuss the ways to use Emotional Conflict - your characters' inner life - to plot your story. How do we select the right vehicle for these characters? How do we use their internal conflicts to reflect an exterior plot to get them where they need to be? We'll examine the difference between internal conflict and external trauma and how they can bring a reader closer to the character - or drive them away. The end goal as always is - to gather the tools you need to write your best book!
Class Format
Savvy Authors' workshops are held on a forum: a bulletin board based system. You will receive a reminder notice one day prior to the start of the workshop that includes instructions on how to access the workshop forum. If you have not received instructions by the day the workshop begins, please check your spam filter.

The forum will be available the morning (EST) of the day the workshop starts and will remain accessible to all participants thereafter. You will also be given simple instructions on how to create a PDF of all your discussions along with our privacy and data retention policy.
Start date
May 8, 2023 at 9:00 AM
End date
May 22, 2023 at 12:50 AM
Registration end date
May 11, 2023 at 12:50 AM
4.95 star(s) 21 ratings

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