
  1. Merry Bond

    Indie Self-Publishing: Easy as ABC with Meredith Bond

    Are you thinking of self-publishing your work, but don't know where to begin? Do you wonder about what you might need to do and when, or even where you should publish? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this course is for you. Self-publishing can be tricky or it can be easy...
  2. terrimain

    Business Writing to Teach: How-to’s, Courses, and Instructional Video Scripts with Terri Main

    This is known as the information age. Lifelong learning whether in a formal context like a course or training seminar or informally through reading how-to books and watching videos, is now the norm. A Pew Internet survey found that 74% of American adults had participated in at least one formal...
  3. Karen Wiesner

    Business Writing Blurbs that Sizzle—And Sell! with Karen Wiesner

    Make your book fly off the shelves! Are you an author who dislikes or dreads trying to write back cover blurbs for your stories, or have you started one and want help making yours sizzle with intrigue and impact? Would you like to utilize a series blurb but you're not sure where to start in...
  4. CassandraCarr

    Business Pinterest for Authors – Unlocking the Secrets with Cassandra Carr

    Pinterest can be a great tool for authors to grow their audience and increase sales. But many authors are intimidated by the sheer magnitude of information and don't know what to do. In this workshop you will learn how to: - Navigate through Pinterest - Create or modify a profile to reflect...
  5. terrimain

    Business The Basics of Marketing for Writers with Terri Main

    In today's competitive publishing world, both traditional and indie published authors must take part in marketing their own work. A major publisher may have a large marketing department, but they are also publishing hundreds of books per year. A small publisher may have no marketing department...
  6. terrimain

    Business WordPress for Authors with Terri Main

    Wordpress used to be a simple blogging software. Even when it began adding more extensive web building capabilities, it still looked like "Just another Wordpress Site." But in the past five years, the level of sophistication makes it the perfect platform for small to mid-sized business - and...
  7. ineswrites

    Creating a Book Trailer with Ines Johnson

    Book trailers are visual depictions of a book’s storyline, sometimes made by fans, which are a great way to get readers enthused. In this workshop veteran screenwriter turned romance novelist, Ines Johnson, will teach you the four simple steps of writing copy to persuade a potential reader to...
  8. Robin Facer

    Business Build Your Own Book Trailer with Robin Facer

    Working with video is a useful tool to have in your Author’s Toolbox. Put your storytelling skills to work in a new way and get readers excited about your novel by learning to create your own video book trailers. This mini-workshop will include insights into successful visual storytelling...
  9. Beth Daniels

    Business Write a Short story or Novelette Length Prequel to Promote Your Book or Series with Beth Daniels

    I confess. I never know what to write for blog entries that don’t talk about writing and readers not interested in writing probably skip right by such things. Which is why, when I turned to working on manuscripts for series, I decided to take a different track. I call it “build a specific...