How to Add Humor to Novels and Short Stories with Steve Shrott

Craft How to Add Humor to Novels and Short Stories with Steve Shrott

I took this class on a whim during boot camp, because I wanted to learn a thing or two about what writing humor entails. I had planned to only lurk but Steve 's approach and humorous enticements to at least try the assignments raked me in. I am so glad I did, because you really can't learn if you don't try. Steve's course is a toughie and only at the end does he mention that you can't learn to write humor overnight (sigh). But he is encouraging even when delivering the blow (he's got the compliment sandwich down pat). For that I am eternally grateful. A callous sort would have pierced my soul. Did I say that writing humor is NOT easy? If this course had been "fluff", then the thrills I got when I actually did something correctly would not have felt as wonderful. Now I have a set of HUMOR writing tools. All I have to do is get to work and practice often. Thanks, Steve! Your course was a hoot! ;D

Connie Parrott