Pace your Prose: Creating the RIGHT amount of setting and description with KL Grady

Pacing-Tension Pace your Prose: Creating the RIGHT amount of setting and description with KL Grady

Kerri-Leigh Grady loves to sink into happily-ever-after tales and blow-up-all-the-things tales, especially when her testosterone-loaded house has hit its monthly limit of athletic socks and slapstick. She is a writer and a former editor at Entangled Publishing. She holds an MFA from Seton Hill University and a BS in computer science, both of which have been useful to her as an editor and writer. With the fun degree, she’s learned craft and art and editing and how to hold back the eye twitches and self-flagellation until after the critique session. With the less fun degree, she’s learned the art of breaking down ideas into processes and to fear the day someone comes up with a recursive storytelling form. *shiver* Her stories tend toward horror and romance and weird spaces somewhere between these genres. She's a nerd with an unnatural love of dark humor, gadgets, chickpeas, BJJ, and ATS bellydancing. When the zombie apocalypse happens, she’s likely to be patient zero. If you see her bite someone, grab your water and head for your bunker. This week, she lives in Hawaii. Next week, she’ll be wherever the Navy sends her family.