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Write the Perfect Short Story with Irene Roth

Plot-Structure-GMC Write the Perfect Short Story with Irene Roth

Basic and Premium Members Prices
Premium Members $30 & Basic Members $40

Register by November 1st and save $5, use code SHORTSTORYROTH2021 at checkout!
  1. Characters
  2. Description/Setting
  3. Structure
  4. GMC
  5. Plotting
  6. Shorts/Novella
$5 off Early Registration Coupon-expires 1 week before class starts
Did you ever want to write a short story but never knew where to start? Do you love stories and tell yourself stories from time to time? Do you think in terms of stories? Do you love reading short stories in the Chicken Soup Series? If you answered any of these questions in the affirmative, this workshop is for definitely for you!

Few pleasures are as satisfying as hearing a good story—unless it’s the pleasure of writing one! The concept of stories must have been invented as soon as human whoops and squeals turned into language. Stories have been found recorded on papyrus from ancient Egypt and in the fragments of documents that were compiled to become the Judeo-Christian Scriptures.

It’s possible that the smudgy cave paintings of prehistoric eras were made to illustrate tales told around cooking fires about the trials and tribulations of the season’s hunt. Civilizations around the globe have used stories to preserve history, define heroes, and explain the caprices of the gods. The impulse to retell stories is no less strong today.

Writers write for two reasons. One is that they have something they want to say. The other, equally compelling motive is that they have something they want to find out. Writing is a mode of exploration. Through stories we can examine and come to terms with our own ideas, insights and experiences. In the process of writing a story, we achieve a little better understanding of our world, our fellows, and ourselves. When someone reads what we write, we can share a bit of that understanding.

What’s more, writing a story can be so much fun! I will kindle that excitement in this workshop. I can’t wait to have you in my class!
Week 1: The Basics of What a Short Story is
This week, I will introduce you to the topic of writing short stories! We will explore the length of short stories and you will get a chance to start thinking about topics you would like to write about in this workshop and beyond.

Week 2: The Seven Tips to Write a Short Story
This week, we will examine seven tips to write a short story. Next week, I will present the last few tips, and then we will start writing our own short story. You will also learn how to outline your story and how to create an unforgettable plot.

Week 3: Drafting Up Your First Short Story
This week, I will encourage you to write your very first short story. I will also talk about how to edit your story and how to eliminate all extraneous words.

Week 4: Put the finishing touches on Your Article
This week, you will have a chance to finalize your article and submit it to me for assessment. If you want to write two articles in this workshop, I will give you the space and time to do so. Then you will be able to embark on your own writing path after the workshop.

I will also send you some more short story ideas for the future, and also where you could send your short story once it is completed.

There will be one live chat during the workshop. There will also be assignments each week that you will have to submit by Sunday evening. It is a workshop that you won’t soon forget. And you will learn how to write in a new genre that is fulfilling and rewarding.

See you in the workshop!
Sunny Irene Roth
Start date
Nov 8, 2021 at 9:00 AM
End date
Dec 5, 2021 at 6:00 PM
Registration end date
Nov 10, 2021 at 6:00 PM
4.32 star(s) 22 ratings

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