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  1. Stevens7_2000-yahoo.ie

    Genre-SciFi How to Write a Sci-Fi Short Story with Steve Shrott

    In this workshop, you’ll delve into the secrets of writing amazing science fiction short stories. Some of the topics covered are: Creating original and intriguing sci-fi premises that hook readers Techniques used in the most successful science fiction Secrets of writing time travel, first...
  2. Sunny Irene Roth

    Genre-YA How to Write a Young Adult Novel with Irene Roth

    Do you read Young Adult novels? Do you find a real affinity in the story lines? Do you find that young adult fiction provides a wonderful escape for you, even when your life seems a bit in tatters? Do you like hanging out with teens or do you perhaps have a teenager at home? If you answered any...
  3. Traci Andrighetti

    Genre-Mystery-Crime Master the Mystery Novel! with USA TODAY Bestselling Author Traci Andrighetti

    Want to add mystery to your life? Then write one! USA TODAY Bestselling Author Traci Andrighetti is on the case to help you investigate how whodunits are done. In her three-month mentoring course, you will develop your plot and cast of characters, outline your manuscript, and write the first...
  4. Beth Daniels

    Genre-Romance Writing Historical Romantic Suspense with Beth Daniels

    Those of us who loved history class…maybe even, like me, snapped up a college degree in history, planned all vacations around museums, castles (ruins and not ruins), ancient sites (Stonehenge, vanished pre-European period native American cultures), ghost towns, tours of historic homes, or...
  5. ineswrites

    Genre-Romance Plot Your Sweet Romance by Watching Hallmark Movies with Ines Johnson

    Millions of viewers tune in each night to watch movies on the Hallmark Channel. What if you could break down the elements of one of these love stories, scene by scene, to help you plot your next sweet romance novel? Let veteran television writer, Ines Johnson, teach you the story beats that will...
  6. LC Hayden

    Genre-Mystery-Crime How to Craft a Mystery/Thriller with L.C. Hayden

    The book world offers its readers a variety of mysteries. Some are good, some not so good, and some are excellent. What makes the difference? It all begins with its foundation: learning how to craft a successful mystery. An award winning mystery/thriller author will show you how a successful...
  7. Deborah Bailey

    Craft Creating Intimate Scenes without Going All the Way with Deb Bailey

    What's your favorite heat level for your books? Steamy or super-hot? Or maybe you'd rather leave the details behind closed doors. There's nothing wrong with showing everything or keeping it all under wraps. But you can still stir the reader's emotions while leaving some things under the covers...
  8. pjune-yahoo.com

    Genre-Horror Make It Horror with June Diehl

    June will walk the writer through the elements that help to create a horror story during the first two weeks and write a horror short story or opening of a longer work during the second week. We will look at examples of published stories to see what elements worked to make them horror stories...
  9. Stevens7_2000-yahoo.ie

    Genre-Mystery-Crime How to Craft Your Mystery Short Story with Steve Shrott

    Learn the three parts of a mystery and where to include what and when. Steve will show you how to outline and use free writing techniques to craft a winning mystery short. What makes a good mystery, and how to be an idea machine. How to craft openings that hook your reader, and twist endings...
  10. Becky Martinez

    Craft Adding Humor to Your Manuscript with Becky Martinez

    Have you ever thought of yourself as a comedy writer? Probably not. Many people don’t think they can ever write it, though they might love to read it. Any story, from romance to mystery to fantasy, can use a touch of comedy or light moments. Like any type of writing, certain elements of...
  11. Kris

    Genre-Romance Keys To Powerful Romance Fiction with Kris Kennedy

    Romance is the hottest genre in fiction. It has limitless subgenres and a voracious reader base. But adding a love interest isn't enough. You have to respect the genre, and you must deliver the genre conventions to meet reader expectations. Discover how to craft a powerful, character-driven...
  12. Sunny Irene Roth

    Genre-Kidlit-MG Yes, you can write a Middle-Grade Novel in a month with Irene Roth

    Do you read Middle Grade novels? Do you find a real affinity in the story lines? Do you find that middle-grade fiction provides a wonderful escape for you, even when your life seems a bit in tatters? Do you like hanging out with pre-teens or do you perhaps have a pre-teen at home? If you...
  13. Beth Daniels

    Genre-Fantasy Magic Rehab with Beth Daniels

    Magic is the stuff of legends. It’s been used by people since before civilizations were in place. Magic was an integral part of religion to the hunter-gatherers, then it became part of ceremonies in the early civilizations, became a deterrent in the hands of an ancient priest, a way of torture...
  14. F.T. Bradley

    Genre-YA Crash Into YA: Introduction to Writing for Teens & Tweens with Fleur Bradley

    Ever thought of writing books for teens and tweens? Young Adult (YA) fiction is a hot market, and many authors alternate their novel writing work for adults with YA. As vibrant as the teen book market is, there are some skills you’ll need to pick up to be a successful YA fiction writer. Join...
  15. Beth Daniels

    Genre-Fantasy Honey, There is something Not Exactly Human at the Door with Beth Daniels

    HONEY, THERE IS SOMETHING NOT EXACTLY HUMAN AT THE DOOR: PARANORMAL, SUPERNATURAL, LEGENDARY AND ALIEN CHARACTURES There probably used to be a sign on the casting office’s door that said, “Nonhumans Need Not Apply”, but that sign went the way of the dodo…one of them probably carried it off the...
  16. Terry Odell

    Genre-Romance 12 Steps to Intimacy with Terry Odell

    In 1971, anthropologist Desmond Morris published "Intimate Behavior", in which he explored the development of relationships. Some years later, Linda Howard took the twelve steps Morris describe and applied them to the world of romance writing. Ever wonder why sometimes a touch is sexy and...
  17. ineswrites

    Genre-Romance Writing to Market in Romance with Ines Johnson

    We’ve all heard the term Write to Market. But it doesn’t mean you can’t write the book of your heart. With a few tweaks that book could appeal to a hungry market. Learn to do the research and plotting necessary to hit reader expectations, nail the tropes, and march to the right beats in the...
  18. Angela Knight

    Genre-Romance Burning Ink: Writing Steamy Romances with NY Times Bestselling author Angela Knight

    In this class, a New York Times bestselling author of erotic romance explores how to write romance hot enough burn the pixels off the screen. She discusses the creation of characters with the kind of intense sensuality needed in erotic romance; building a believable erotic attraction that gets...
  19. Sunny Irene Roth

    Genre-Romance How to Write a Romance Novel with Irene Roth

    Do you read romance novels? Do you find a real affinity in the story lines? Do you find that cozy romances provide a wonderful escape for you, even when you life seems a bit in tatters? Do you love Hallmark movies? If you answered any of the above questions in the affirmative, you have come to...
  20. Beth Daniels

    Genre-Mystery-Crime Scene of the Paranormal Crime with Beth Daniels

    Do the names Jim Butcher, Kim Harrison, Ben Aaronovitch, Lisa Shearin, Mike Carey, Karen Marie Moning, Jonathan Howard, Kate Griffin, Kevin Hearne, Daryinda Jones, or Benedict Jacka ring a bell with you? They are merely some of the many writers who mix magic, paranormal, supernatural, and...