Challenge! Contest Time!

RJ Garside

Premium Member
Jul 14, 2014
Get Connected Winner GIF by Connect Transit

Post your first three sentences of your current work-in-progress for a chance to win a $20 coupon on an upcoming SavvyAuthors workshop.

Contest will remain open until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. EST. Members will vote on their favorite entry.

Please email us if you have any questions.


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The raindrops slowly descending Matt Pearson’s face showed no sign of stopping. Just like the semi-torrential downfall he’d stood in for the last hour. His current location proved to be the closest he’d gotten to Cristian (Jefe) Polanco, who contrary to his name no one who knew him could or would call him a Christian.
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On the morning of their eighth wedding anniversary, Flora Austin watched her husband drive away. Beneath a blue sky, the sun warming her back, her husband passed the lilac bush planted alongside their house, now grown wide and almost her height. The crackle of his tires sounded like sharp raps of raindrops on glass as he drove over the damp dirt and stones.
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The sun was up just enough to be in my eyes as I turned right off the highway onto the road leading to Rimview Bed and Breakfast. My new venture had kept me busy for the last six months and I was ready to put the finishing touches in each room of the renovated farmhouse before my first guests arrived next week. There had been some glitches.
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Shani Gordon stopped walking and shivered beneath the blazing sun. It took her a moment to realize the wail echoing in her ears was the distant blare of a train whistle and not the echo of her own screams from the night that would forever haunt her.
Banishing the dark memories, she continued on toward Heyward’s Hotel, the words of her late parents’ dear friend, replaying in her mind.
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If he caught her – she’d be dead.
Cherise Ripley, (aka Cherry Ripe), slammed her Louboutin-clad foot on the brake and let out a scream that got hooked on her tonsils while elbowing its way from her throat. The little white Kia she’d borrowed from outside the Club six hours ago, skidded to the left, nosedived through a giant prickle bush, then lurched with a bone-jarring bump back onto the dirt road.
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High on the scaffold, Benedetto brushed lead white onto the wings of the putti. Who could resist smiling at the fat limbs and faces of the messengers of Aphrodite? He’d hoped to put his heart and mind aright by setting thoughts of love aside, yet the putti flapped their wings in his face, scattering his good intentions to the wind.
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The satisfying thump of the four-by-four hitting the foundation echoes my own sense of accomplishment. Sweat beads on my forehead, a welcome contrast to the cool morning air. Around me, the familiar camaraderie of the Renegade Redemption MC buzzes with activity.
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Striding across the Hub between portals, some of which were already open onto the worlds agents would be going to in a few moments, Sam Jaeger and his partner, Helga Bourgen, headed to outfitting to pick up clothing and weapons suitable for 1985 New York City on line 4987. They needed to keep the opposition from grabbing several artifacts in the possession of a couple of apparently well to do thugs. If the artifacts were removed, the line could change drastically, and not for the better.
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Lucinda checked her phone one last time before putting it on airplane mode. She really didn’t need this right now. The first class- business class, she mentally corrected herself, passengers were eyeing her like hungry sea gulls at Oceanside beach, if she didn’t start pouring the drinks and pampering them, there would be a mutiny.
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Pearl Owens loved the number three so much that she designed her nightclub, Cabaret Jubilee around it. There were three stages on three different floors, three massive chandeliers and the number three was expertly hidden throughout the cabaret’s decor.
Three cats called the cabaret home and every evening, there were three ostrich feathers in Pearl Owens’ head piece.
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Get Connected Winner GIF by Connect Transit

Post your first three sentences of your current work-in-progress for a chance to win a $20 coupon on an upcoming SavvyAuthors workshop.

Contest will remain open until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. EST. Members will vote on their favorite entry.

Please email us if you have any questions.


OMG! All these first three sentences are AMAZING!!! :love:
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