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Site Monkey
Savvy Crew
Savvy Super Mod
Premium Member
Fortnight Flash Fiction Author
Jun 26, 2014
Northwest Illinois
Hello all!
First off, thanks again for participating in the beta test, we really cannot make this tool useful without you and we hope that while the tool still has some issues, you are mostly finding this useful!

One of the problmes that you have told us about is that you are not getting good matches. We believe that is because of the specificity of the genres but we all agree that we need to have partners in our specific genre and subgenres. Our current process of asking if you want to be matched outside of your genre is not specific enough and we are getting kids books authors matched with romance, definitely not great. So, we are considering a two-step match.

Match 1: Is the same as it is now. You will add your specific subgenre choices and if someone else with your specific choice enters the match pool you will be matched.

For everyone not matched in Match 1, the app will enter you into a Match 2 pool.

This pool will match along grouped categories such as All romance or Speculative Fiction (grouping SF/Fantasy), Mystery-Suspense, etc. We are working on the categories and category definitions now and will post those so you can comment and suggest changes.

The idea is to broaden the second match so even if you will not match with someone in your specific subgenre you will match with a closely related one. From our side, this is technically not a full rewrite of the algorithm, so is doable in a short period. I know there have been suggestions for a more significant change and while we are open to that, we want to make sure we exhaust the easy fixes first. :)

Let me know what you think of this.
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And of course, since this is beta software we have a change to that proposal. We are going to offer a modified ranked choice voting scheme. Which if you are a political junkie and follow Alaska or NY politics you will know all about! :coffee:

When you are opting-in you will rank your choices from your top choice to your second, then third etc. You will also be able to say "never match me with this genre". This will be ready within a couple of weeks. We'll run some initial verification and then turn it over to you for our validation/beta testing!

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