Thank you to all the participants for a great pitchfest! And to all the wonderful Agents, Editors, and Publishers who spend time reading the pitches!
Our next steps are pretty simple:
If you have not registered yet for our February 2023 Sweetheart Pitchfest, definitely do that! We run these twice a year!
Our next steps are pretty simple:
- The Agents, Editors, and Publishers complete their review of the pitches. They may still ask questions about your pitch so do keep an eye on your pitches. I explained how to do that in the How do I know I got a request post.
- The Agents, Editors, and Publishers will send us their final list within 1-2 weeks.
- We publish that on the site, right here on the main feed, and notify everyone in the SavvyAuthors Weekly News.
- We remove from public view all the pitches
If you have not registered yet for our February 2023 Sweetheart Pitchfest, definitely do that! We run these twice a year!